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A letter of application and a CV 11 класс

A letter of application.Ex 2DThe features of a formal letter of application are:Layout: It should follow the pattern.Organization: Should be organized into clear paragraphs with an

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Слайд 1A letter of application and a CV
Grade 11

A letter of application and a CVGrade 11

Слайд 2 A letter of application.
Ex 2D
The features of a formal

letter of application are:

Layout: It should follow the


Organization: Should be organized into clear paragraphs with an
appropriate beginning and ending.

Content: It should mention the source of information about the
vacancy, reasons for applying for a position, short
introduction about yourself, reasons why you think you
are suitable for the position, relevant experience ( if
possible), information about how to contact you.
Register: It is formal.
Tone: Serious, positive, enthusiastic.

A letter of application.Ex 2DThe features of a formal letter of application are:Layout:   It

Слайд 3A letter of application (pattern)
1 Your full

address and the date.
2 The job title/position

or the name of a person who you are writing to and the address of the organization.
3 The greeting.
Dear Sir/Madam if you don’t know the person’s name.
Dear Mr / Mrs /Ms and the surname if you know the person’s name.
4 Paragraph 1 mentions where you found out about the vacancy and names the job you are applying for.

5 P2 presents you to the employer, explains why you want to apply for the position.
6 P3 mentions your previous work experience (if any), skills and abilities that make you suitable for a job and suggests the ways of getting in touch with you.
7 The ending Yours faithfully if you do not know the person’s name. Yours sincerely if you know the name.
8 Your signature.
9 Your full name printed underneath.

A letter of application (pattern)1    Your full address and the date.2

Слайд 4A letter of application (pattern)
1 Your


2 The job title/position or the name of a person who you are writing to and the address of the organization.
3 The greeting.
Dear Sir/Madam
Dear Mr / Mrs /Ms and the surname
4 Paragraph 1 mentions where you about the vacancy and names the job you are applying for.

5 P2 presents you to the employer, explains for the position.
6 P3 mentions your experience (if any), skills and abilities that make you suitable for a job and suggests the ways of getting in
7 The ending if you do not know the person’s name. Yours sincerely if you know the name.
8 Your
9 Your full name .

full address

the date.

if you don’t know the person’s name.

if you know the person’s name.

found out

why you want to apply

previous work

touch with you.

Yours faithfully


printed underneath

A letter of application (pattern)1    Your

Слайд 5
Умк “New Millennium English”, 11 класс
Автор О.Л. Гроза
Презентацию подготовила Мерш

Нина Михайловна, учитель английского языка Тимирязевской средней школы Чебаркульского района

Челябинской области
Умк “New Millennium English”, 11 классАвтор О.Л. ГрозаПрезентацию подготовила Мерш Нина Михайловна, учитель английского языка Тимирязевской средней

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