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Американские ценности

Different values are typical for people, who grown up in determined cultural ambience. American values formed in the country of immigrants, who’d settled in the new country and who

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Слайд 1Степочкина Т.
Кумец К.

American values

Степочкина Т.Кумец К.American values

Слайд 2 Different values are typical for people, who grown

up in determined cultural ambience. American values formed in the

country of immigrants, who’d settled in the new country and who hoped that each of them would reach the success in their life. They were full of determination and they were sure that they’d overcome all difficulties on their way to success.
Different values are typical for people, who grown up in determined cultural ambience. American values

Слайд 4liberty
Liberty is cornerstone of American values. Individual rights

of every person are guaranteed by Constitution USA. These right

are so protected by constitution that some people complain because of loyalty in attitude to criminals.

liberty  Liberty is cornerstone of American values. Individual rights of every person are guaranteed by Constitution

Слайд 5Equality
Since the moment Americans began to occupy north

America, appeared the idea about all people are equal and

labour of every person must be reward in equal degree. For many years this idea is based on religious base. The American consider that God created all people equal.

Equality  Since the moment Americans began to occupy north America, appeared the idea about all people

Слайд 6Family
The Main purpose of each separate American family

is a making the conditions when every single member of

family is happy. However the main stress in education is done on the individual liberty of every person in family. In American family is allowed not only to comply with parents, but also argue with them.
Family  The Main purpose of each separate American family is a making the conditions when every

Слайд 7“freedom of the house”
The American often invite many

foreign students and simply visitors to their house, where treat

the guests by supper and offer them to take part in many entertainments. Many people are spoken to feel theirselves like in their own house. The highest award you can get is “freedom of the house”, when you’d be offered to order in house of hosts like in your own.
“freedom of the house”  The American often invite many foreign students and simply visitors to their

Слайд 8Education
Education in America is valued very high, because

it’s a key to success. Even when teenagers aren’t at

school, they prefer to do something what is an advantage for them in the future.
Education  Education in America is valued very high, because it’s a key to success. Even when

Слайд 9The same rules.
The American system creates confidence that

all people should «play the same rules». Role of State

consists in protection of such rules. Feeling of confidence at that supports people to be enterprising.
The same rules.  The American system creates confidence that all people should «play the same rules».

Слайд 10Wealth
The American do not consider, as in many

other countries, that rich people live for someone’s count. Opposite,

is considered that rich people promote development of production and create worker places.
Wealth  The American do not consider, as in many other countries, that rich people live for

Слайд 11Directing into the future.
Constant directing into the best

future is a source of the optimism the American. In

spite of past experience of economic crisis the American look into future with optimism, being sure that God won’t offend them.
Directing into the future.  Constant directing into the best future is a source of the optimism

Слайд 12Authority
The Real authority on work and in life

is founded not on age and value of people, but

on their real power of the influence on deals and on surrounding people. That’s why old people often are more authoritative than youth.
Authority  The Real authority on work and in life is founded not on age and value

Слайд 13Religion
Puritane thought that success is divine foresight,

so they didn’t see the contradiction between wealth and the

right on the place in paradise after death. They said that person has that he has deserved and people pertained to poor, as to «damaged» by injury.
Religion  Puritane thought that success is divine foresight, so they didn’t see the contradiction between wealth

Слайд 14Efficiency
Especial value is efficiency. Henry Ford is considered

to be a hero, as he created the conveyor line,

which raised production of the labour. The American say: time is money.

Efficiency  Especial value is efficiency. Henry Ford is considered to be a hero, as he created

Слайд 15Timetable
The American act in accordance with timetable, making

consecutively one thing after another. The actions on timetable may

even prevail under appearing human needs.
Timetable  The American act in accordance with timetable, making consecutively one thing after another. The actions

Слайд 16Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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