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Broadway in New York 9 класс

Broadway was the path at first, winding among the fens and cliffs of the island of Manhattan. After arriving of Dutch settlers the path was become the main road from island

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Слайд 1Broadway in New York
Made by Vel’dyaskina Elena
Check by Kayminova L.N.

Broadway in New YorkMade by Vel’dyaskina ElenaCheck by Kayminova L.N.

Слайд 2Broadway was the path at first, winding among the fens

and cliffs of the island of Manhattan. After arriving of

Dutch settlers the path was become the main road from island of New Amsterdam to the south shore. Dutch researcher and businessman David de Vries was the first who mentioned this way in his logbook in 1642. The Dutch called it «Heerestraat», which can be translated as «the street of Lords». One part the street was named the Lower Manhattan and it is known Great George Street in our days. There were other names of different parts of Broadway, but on 14th of February 1899 this street was named Broadway.
Broadway was the path at first, winding among the fens and cliffs of the island of Manhattan.

Слайд 3The name «broad way» street has got from the governor

of New Netherlands of Peter Minёyta.

The name «broad way» street has got from the governor of New Netherlands of Peter Minёyta.

Слайд 4Broadway is the longest street in New York (more than

25 km).

Broadway is the longest street in New York (more than 25 km).

Слайд 5It is the oldest of the major street of New


It is the oldest of the major street of New York.

Слайд 6Broadway is called business street, because there are huge number

of office building and businesses there.

Broadway is called business street, because there are huge number of office building and businesses there.

Слайд 7Broadway is very a noisy street.
There are a lot of

souvenir shops and cafes in the street.

Broadway is very a noisy street.There are a lot of souvenir shops and cafes in the street.

Слайд 8You can realize your dreams and watch the Broadway show.

You can realize your dreams and watch the Broadway show.

Слайд 9Broadway is worth seeing in the evening with light of

I advice you to visit and to see everything with

your own eyes.
Broadway is worth seeing in the evening with light of neon.I advice you to visit and to

Слайд 10Edgar Allan Poe says: «Everyone knows that Broadway is the

most elegant street of New World. It is aorta, which

is flown the best blood of our system. Everything that is exquisite in our continent, has been gone through this street. The best exhibitions are held here, caravans arrives in here from around the world.»
Edgar Allan Poe says: «Everyone knows that Broadway is the most elegant street of New World. It

Слайд 11Broadway is waiting for you!

Broadway is waiting for you!

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