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Burenin Ilya the youngest sportsman

His Titles:2008 - the 2nd place in the championship in judo among young men in weight category of 30 kg. - the 2nd place in championship

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Слайд 1
The pupil of the 7th form of Vazerkaya Secondary School

named after V.M.Pokrovsky, Bessonovsky Rayon, Penzenskaya Oblast,
the prize-winner of regional,

All-Russian competitions on judo among athletes till 14 years in weight category to 46 kg.
He has received the regional award "Exceptional child".

Burenin Ilya is an ordinary village boy . He studies in the 7 th Form . His favourite subjects - mathematics, social science and physical culture.

In September, 2007 Ilya entered the school judo club. Since that time the boy couldn’t imagine his life without judo.

Burenin Ilya –
the youngest sportsman

The pupil of the 7th form of Vazerkaya Secondary School named after V.M.Pokrovsky, Bessonovsky Rayon, Penzenskaya Oblast,the

Слайд 2His Titles:
- the 2nd place in the

championship in judo among young men in weight category of

30 kg.
- the 2nd place in championship of DOD DYuSSh Bessonovska Municipal Educational Institution of the area in judo among young men in weight category of 32 kg.
- the 1st place in the tournament devoted to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in Narovchat in weight category of 34 kg
His Titles:2008   - the 2nd place in the championship in judo among young men in

Слайд 32009
the 3rd place in the championship of the city

in judo among children 1997-2000 in weight category to 34

In December 25 GBOU DOD "Sports School on Regional Sport Committee Fight" the TIMMAKSBIR Company awarded Burenin Ilya as the youngest athlete of New Year's tournament in sambo.

2009 the 3rd place in the championship of the city in judo among children 1997-2000 in weight

Слайд 42010
- the 2nd place in the championship

in Arasha's Hole club judo in weight category of +35

- the 3rd place in weight category 38kg in the Open championship in judo among children till 14 years.
- the 1 place in the III rd Open Tournament of the Narovchatsky area devoted to the 65 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in weight category of 38 kg.
- the 2nd place in the 19th traditional All-Russian tournament in judo of memory of the master of sports of the USSR V. V. Barashkin.
2010   - the 2nd place in the championship in Arasha's Hole club judo in weight

Слайд 52011
- the 2nd place in the Open

Championship of sports and teenage club "Mangust" in judo among

young men in weight category of 41 kg.
- the 1 place in the Open Cup of the Penza region among athletes till 12 years in weight category of 42 kg.
- the 3rd place in weight category to 46 kg and was awarded by Federation of judo of the Penza region. In the 20th traditional All-Russian tournament on judo of memory of the master of sports of the USSR V. V. Barashkin, in December 23-26, 2010, among young men of 2000-2002 in weight category to 46 kg.

2011   - the 2nd place in the Open Championship of sports and teenage club

Слайд 62012
began for the young athlete unsuccessfully. In January Ilya

was injured . He had broken his shoulder. For 2

months the boy was in the hospital. The doctors advised him to give up training. But the sportsman started his trainings again He passed an examination on judo and received a yellow belt.

- the 2nd place in the Festival of Judo among young men of1999- 2000 in weight category to 55 kg in Saratov.
- the 2nd place in the Open tournament on judo devoted to the 350 anniversary of the Bessonovsky Rayon among young men in weight category to 55kg.
- diploma of the 1st place in the Open tournament of the Penza Region among young men in weight category to 55kg.

2012 began for the young athlete unsuccessfully. In January Ilya was injured . He had broken his

Слайд 72014
- the 1st place in the Festival

of Judo among young men of1999- 2000 in weight category

to 59-60 kg in Saratov.

- diploma of the 1st place in the Open tournament of the Penza Region among young men in weight category to 59-60 kg.

2014   - the 1st place in the Festival of Judo among young men of1999- 2000

Слайд 8Now the young sportsman is training hard for new victories

Now the young sportsman is training hard for new victories

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