Разделы презентаций

Buying a souvenir 5 класс

Buying a souvenir

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 320


английского языка
Тарасова Ольга Анатольевна

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 320 Учитель английского языкаТарасова Ольга Анатольевна

Слайд 2Buying a souvenir

Buying a souvenir

Слайд 3What we are going to do…
Introduce and practice language

for buying a souvenir

What we are going to do… Introduce and practice language for buying a souvenir

Слайд 4
Revise vocabulary for names of souvenirs of the UK
Revise Plural

Revise rules for have/ has got/, haven’t/hasn’t got

Revise vocabulary for names of souvenirs of the UKRevise Plural forms Revise rules for have/ has got/,

Слайд 5You are at a souvenir shop in the UK

The situation:

You are at a souvenir shop in the UKThe situation:

Слайд 6The situation:

You are сustomers who would like to buy a

souvenir at a souvenir shop

The situation:You are сustomers who would like to buy a souvenir at a souvenir shop

Слайд 7 
What should we know to buy a souvenir there?

 What should we know to buy a souvenir there?

Слайд 8We should know the names
of souvenirs

We should know the names of souvenirs

Слайд 9We should know polite phrases for buying souvenirs

We should know polite phrases for buying souvenirs

Слайд 10What is the main aim of this lesson?

What is the main aim of this lesson?

Слайд 11The main aim of this lesson is to find out

what phrases people use to buy a souvenir at a

souvenir shop.
The main aim of this lesson is to find out what phrases people use to buy a

Слайд 12Let’s check your home task

Let’s check your home task

Слайд 13Brainstorming


Слайд 14HAT
This is a hat. It has got shamrock on it.

The shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland.

This is a

mug. It has got a Welsh dragon on it. The Welsh dragon is on the flag of Wales.

This is a tartan scarf from Scotland. Tartan cloth is very popular in Scotland.

This is a stuffed toy. It looks like a cow. There are many cows in Scotland.

These are toy buses. They are double-decker buses. You can see these in London.

This is a pin. It has got a Union Jack on it. The Union Jack is the flag of the UK.


HATThis is a hat. It has got shamrock on it. The shamrock is the national symbol of

Слайд 15Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect

Слайд 16a mug, a bus, a stuffed toy, a hat, a

magnet, an umbrella, a flag, a

dragon, a key ring, a T-shirt, a CD, a pin, a bell, a doll, a scarf
a mug, a bus, a stuffed toy, a hat, a magnet,  an umbrella, a flag,

Слайд 17Write the plurals.




Write the plurals.-s:-es:-ves:

Слайд 18Let’s check up.
mugs, buses, stuffed toys, hats, magnets, umbrellas,

bells, flags, dragons, key rings, T-shirts, CDs, pins, scarves

Let’s check up. mugs, buses, stuffed toys, hats, magnets, umbrellas, bells, flags, dragons, key rings, T-shirts, CDs,

Слайд 19Fill in has, hasn’t, have, haven’t.

………..they got a magnet?

Yes, they ………….. .
2. …………he got a scarf?

he …………. .
3. …………Bill got a key ring?
Yes, he ………….. .
4. …………….you got a pin?
No, I ……………….. .
Fill in has, hasn’t, have, haven’t.………..they got a magnet?  Yes, they ………….. .2. …………he got a

Слайд 20Which sentences does the shop assistant say?
Which does the customer


How can I help you?
How about this key ring?
I want

to buy a souvenir.
Here you are.
How much is it?
It’s 4 pounds.
Which sentences does the shop assistant say?Which does the customer say?How can I help you?How about this

Слайд 21 
What is the English for:

Я хочу купить сувенир?
I want to

buy a souvenir?
Чем я могу вам помочь?
How can I

help you?
Сколько это стоит?
How much is it?
5 фунтов.
It’s 5 pounds.
Here you are.
 What is the English for:Я хочу купить сувенир?I want to buy a souvenir? Чем я могу вам

Слайд 22Let’s try to act out several dialogues between
a customer

and the shop assistant.

Let’s try to act out several dialogues between a customer and the shop assistant.

Слайд 23Leave a tip for me
The information is interesting, I can

easily use it in practice.
The information is interesting, but I

have some problems to use it in practice

The information is difficult to understand

Leave a tip for meThe information is interesting, I can easily use it in practice.The information is

Слайд 24Thank you for
the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!Good-bye!

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