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Can the media influence your life? 9 класс

Can the media influence your life?Reported statements with modal verbsPrezentacii.com

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Слайд 1Can the media influence your life?
социокультурный аспект: - знакомство

с высказываниями британских и российских подростков о роли средств массовой

информации в их жизни; Знакомство с некоторыми сведениями о потребительских вкусах подростков
развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к анализу, сравнению, обобщению, перефразированию
воспитательный аспект – формирование межкультурного осознания; формирование положительного отношения к фактам иноязычной культуры
учебный аспект – формирование грамматических навыков говорения
Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и полным пониманием содержания

Can the media influence your life?Цели: социокультурный аспект: - знакомство с высказываниями британских и российских подростков о

Слайд 2Can the media influence your life?
Reported statements with modal verbs

Can the media influence your life?Reported statements with modal verbsPrezentacii.com

Слайд 3 Put them into Reported speech
1. “I’m

going to the seaside soon,” she said. 2. “Does this bus

stop next station?” asked Helen. 3. He asked her:”Are you working now?” 4. The teacher asked:”Can you play the piano?” 5. I asked her:”Why are you late?” 6. “Who has broken the window?” the teacher asked. 7. “Look at this paper” he said. 8. “Don’t go alone in the evening,” she said.
Put them into Reported speech 1. “I’m going to the seaside soon,” she

Слайд 5What did the teenagers say?
Did their parents agree with


What did the teenagers say? Did their parents agree with them?

Слайд 6Prezentacii.com
Make up
Sweets and chocolate
mobile phone cards
Music and DVDs

Prezentacii.comMake upSweets and chocolateSnacksmagazinesmobile phone cardsMusic and DVDsClothingFootwear

Слайд 7 The things below are often advertised in the

media. Which of these things are most popular with young

Brits? Which things are more popular with girls and which are more popular with boys? Who spends more? What do you think?
The things below are often advertised in the media.   Which of these things

Слайд 8Listen, write and check if your suggestions were correct

sweets and

make up

computer games
DVDs and CDs
Who spends more?
Girls spend more on

mobile phones than boys
Listen, write and check if your suggestions were correctgirlssweets and chocolateclothesshoesmagazinesmake upboyssnackscomputer gamesDVDs and CDsWho spends more?Girls

Слайд 9The verbs can be used
(to) ask
(to) know
(to) want to

(to) expect
(to) order
(to) notice
(to) decide
(to) suppose

(to) promise
(to) admit
(to) be afraid

be upset
(to) remember
(to) be sure
(to) hope
(to) suggest

The verbs can be used (to) ask(to) know(to) want to know(to) expect(to) order(to) notice(to) decide(to) suppose(to) promise(to)

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