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Crossword puzzle Wild Animals 5 класс

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Слайд 1Crossword puzzle "Wild Animals"
1. This animal is quick. It can

climb trees. It likes bananas and other fruit.
2. This animal

is very tall. It's yellow and brown. It has got a long neck and long legs. It eats grass and leaves.
3. It is the King of animals. It's big. It's yellow and brown. It eats meat.
4. This animal is long. It hasn't got any legs.
5. This animal is big. It has got black and yellow stripes. It eats meat.
6. This animal has got long ears and a short tail. It can be wild or domestic. Some people keep it as a pet.
7. This animal is small. It's green or brown. It lives in or near the water. It can jump well.
8. This animal is big. It lives in rivers in hot countries. It has got a long body, a long tail and short legs. It eats meat or fish.
9. This animal isn't big. It's red. It eats mice and other small animals. It can steal a chicken from a farm.
10. This animal is big. It's brown. It eats meat and fish, but it likes berries and honey, too.
11. This animal is grey. It lives in the forest. It looks like a dog.
12. This animal is very big. It's grey. It lives in hot countries. It has got big ears and a long nose.
13. This animal has got black and white stripes. It runs fast. It eats grass.

Crossword puzzle

Слайд 2Answer key:

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