Разделы презентаций

Environment 10 класс

Translate the words:ПроцессПоглощатьВысасывать КорниЛистья

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Environment


Слайд 2Translate the words:

Translate the words:ПроцессПоглощатьВысасывать КорниЛистья

Слайд 3Translate the words:
Пищевая цель

Translate the words:РастиПищевая цельПреобразовыватьУравнениеДышать

Слайд 4Look at your lists Ex. 1 (b)

Look at your lists   Ex. 1 (b)

Слайд 5Check your answers:
1 covert
2 obtain
3 grow
4 absorb
5 store

Check your answers:1 covert2 obtain3 grow4 absorb5 store

Слайд 6Listen the record Ex. 4 at your lists

Listen the record  Ex. 4 at your lists

Слайд 7Check your answers:
1) august
2) eight
3) Stieve
4) Jill
5) Empty
6) Icelands

Check your answers:1) august2) eight3) Stieve4) Jill5) Empty6) Icelands

Слайд 8Preparing for the re-telling
1) Energy moves along the food chain…

Some animals….
3) Plants produce….
4) Photosynthesis uses energy from….
5) Carbohydrates are

6) To start the process the plant…

Preparing for the re-telling1) Energy moves along the food chain…2) Some animals….3) Plants produce….4) Photosynthesis uses energy

Слайд 97) A green substance in the plant’s…
8) There are 2

stages …
9) First stage called…
10) The second stage….
11) Carbohydrates provide

the plant…
12) Without photosynthesis
7) A green substance in the plant’s…8) There are 2 stages …9) First stage called…10) The second

Слайд 10Please re-tell the text

Please re-tell the text

Слайд 11Home task:

Home task:

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