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Famous hackers

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Famous hackers

Famous hackers

Слайд 2Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick

Слайд 3The most famous, and undoubtedly most gifted hacker in history,

made a name for himself in 1981 at the tender

age of 17 by getting into a phone exchange, which allowed him to redirect subscriber calls in any way he wanted.
The most famous, and undoubtedly most gifted hacker in history, made a name for himself in 1981

Слайд 4In 1983, he achieved his first major coup - and

also his first arrest - when he accessed a Pentagon

computer. It was his repeated offenses that made him a target of the FBI. He was sentenced to five years in prison in the 1990s, but today he is a security consultant and owns his own company: Mitnick Security.

In 1983, he achieved his first major coup - and also his first arrest - when he

Слайд 6The current editor-in-chief of Wired was formerly known for rather

different activities. In 1983, when he too was only 17

years old, he made his first intrusions into different networks, resulting in a few run-ins with the US legal system.
The current editor-in-chief of Wired was formerly known for rather different activities. In 1983, when he too

Слайд 7He continued with his illegal activities until his arrest by

the FBI in April 1991. In 1994 he was sentenced

to four years in prison.
He continued with his illegal activities until his arrest by the FBI in April 1991. In 1994

Слайд 8Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo

Слайд 9Lamo has certainly driven the highest number of network administrators

insane. From Microsoft to Yahoo!, going through Sun Microsystems, MacDonald's,

Cingular, AOL or even the New York Times, he is credited with all types of intrusions and corporate security system violations.
Lamo has certainly driven the highest number of network administrators insane. From Microsoft to Yahoo!, going through

Слайд 10 He has bypassed protections with disconcerting simplicity: during a

broadcast of the NBC Nightly News, the host asked him

to prove his talents in front of the camera, and he responded by gaining access to the company's internal network in less than five minutes.
He has bypassed protections with disconcerting simplicity: during a broadcast of the NBC Nightly News, the

Слайд 11Today he is an expert in security and enjoys full

freedom of movement, after being under the surveillance of US

authorities for many years.
Today he is an expert in security and enjoys full freedom of movement, after being under the

Слайд 12Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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