Разделы презентаций

Famous People of England

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Famous People of England

Famous People of England

Слайд 5William Shakespeare
1564 - 1616

William Shakespeare1564 - 1616

Слайд 6All the world is a stage.

And all the men

and women merely players.

All the world is a stage. And all the men and women merely players.

Слайд 7Shakespeare’s Family
Mary Arden

Shakespeare’s FamilyJohnShakespeareMary Arden

Слайд 8Stratford-on-Avon


Слайд 9Shakespeare’s Family
Mary Arden

Shakespeare’s FamilyJohnShakespeareMary ArdenSusanna1983-1964Hamlet1585-1596Judith1585-1662

Слайд 10The Globe

The Globe

Слайд 11All the world is a stage.

And all the men

and women merely players.

All the world is a stage. And all the men and women merely players.

Слайд 19An Interval

An Interval

Слайд 24All the world is a stage.

And all the men

and women merely players.

All the world is a stage. And all the men and women merely players.

Слайд 26Now I can …
Pronounce English sounds!

Answer the lesson questions!
Make up

different types of English questions!
Use the Present Simple Tense!
Work in

pairs, groups, by oneself!
Now I can …Pronounce English sounds!Answer the lesson questions!Make up different types of English questions!Use the Present

Слайд 27Your Home task.
1) p. 26 ex. 7 (Student’s book);
2) Tell

us about W. Shakespeare next time using your notes;
3) Think

about examples which proof the following phrase:
“All the world is a stage.

And all the men and women merely players.”

Your Home task.1) p. 26 ex. 7 (Student’s book);2) Tell us about W. Shakespeare next time using

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