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Generation Gap 10 класс

Is it easier to be an adult or a teenager?Personally I think/ I believe… it’s easier to be … because you…Earn moneyBring up childrenDo teenage things/act like a babyDepend on your

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Слайд 1Generation Gap
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 551
Алексеева Мария Игоревна

Generation Gap Учитель английского языкаГБОУ СОШ № 551Алексеева Мария Игоревна

Слайд 2Is it easier to be an adult or a teenager?

I think/ I believe… it’s easier to be … because


Earn money
Bring up children
Do teenage things/act like a baby
Depend on your parents
Have pocket money
Go to school
Ask permission

Is it easier to be an adult or a teenager?Personally I think/ I believe… it’s easier to

Слайд 3Youth problems

Problems at school
Problems with parents
A quarrel with friends

Lack of

Too much control
Falling in a difficult
Your idea
What can make

you nervous, annoyed, disappointed?
Youth problemsfriendsschoolClothes/fashionProblems at schoolProblems with parentsA quarrel with friendsLack of caringToo much controlFalling in a difficult situationYour

Слайд 4Read the teenager’s letters published in a youth magazine. Give

them advice.
Hi. My name is Helen. I’m 16.
I have a

problem with my mum.
She doesn’t like my boyfriend. She
doesn’t trust him and doesn’t let me
to hang out with him. I’d like that
my mum respect my choice. I’m not
a child any more!

Hi! I’m Jess. My father forgot about me!
I understand that it’s very difficult to find a well-
paid job. My dad has one and he has to work hard and little
time is left to spend with me. I don’t even remember when
he talked to me last time. It’s not right I think!

Hello! I’m Nora. My dad
And mum are ok, but they
have too much control
over me and I lack of privacy.
When I go out with friends,
I always have to be back home
by 10 p.m. I have to ask
permission for everything.
It doesn’t fair.

My name’s David. Recently I changed
my school and now I have problems with
my new classmates. They always make fun
of me and teas me because of my nationality.
It’s too difficult for to adapt.

Read the teenager’s letters published in a youth magazine. Give them advice.Hi. My name is Helen. I’m

Слайд 5Teachers and students, parents and children, strangers in the streets

face the problem of generation gap every day.
Now, please,

answer the questions using the table.
Teachers and students, parents and children, strangers in the streets face the problem of generation gap every

Слайд 7Ideal Family

Ideal FamilyIdealparentsIdealchildren

Слайд 8Использованные ресурсы:
Учебник “New Millennium” Гроза О. Л. 10 класс английский

Использованные интернет ресурсы:

Использованные ресурсы:Учебник “New Millennium” Гроза О. Л. 10 класс английский язык.Использованные интернет ресурсы:

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