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Glowing stones

The description«Glowing stones» is a first and unique product among similar, goods pre-sented in of build-ing and finishing materials market and it is doubtless, it is a hit of new tendencies

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1«Glowing stones»
Ideas for the present and the future
New building
materials, LTD

«Glowing  stones»Ideas for the present and the futureNew building	materials, LTD

Слайд 2The description
«Glowing stones» is a first and unique product among

similar, goods pre-sented in of build-ing and finishing materials market

and it is doubtless, it is a hit of new tendencies of building and repair!
The description«Glowing stones» is a first and unique product among similar, goods pre-sented in of build-ing and

Слайд 3It is a hit!

It is a hit!

Слайд 4Advantage
Loading on a stone: to 1000 kg and more.
"Shone stones"

early fits in any interior or a landscape around your

The tremendous effect from illumination with the help of "Shone stones" in a night-time creates unique design of your house.
Packing of "Shone stones" does not cause special dif-ficulties.
The combination from various colours of "Shone stones" also will provide "cheerful" design of your dwelling.
AdvantageLoading on a stone: to 1000 kg and more.

Слайд 5Also remember...
Getting our goods you receive in the order a

qualitative finishing material for a landscape accomplishment of territory adjoining

to a cottage and an excellent product for creation of interiors!


Only the best, checked up building materials can provide you with individual and unique design!

Also remember...Getting our goods you receive in the order a qualitative finishing material for a landscape accomplishment

Слайд 6Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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