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Golden ring of Russia

GOLDEN RINGThe Golden Ring is one of Russia’s most famous tourist routes. It includes some very special towns that lie to the northeast of Moscow. Each town has its own special

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The Golden Ring is one of Russia’s most famous

tourist routes. It includes some very special towns that lie

to the northeast of Moscow. Each town has its own special charm and history.
Golden Ring ЗолотоеКольцо
Route маршрут

GOLDEN RINGThe Golden Ring is one of Russia’s most famous tourist routes. It includes some very special

At the entrance to Sergiev Posad from the top

of the hill there is a breath-taking view of the

Trinity Monastery of St Sergius. It is the historical centre of Sergiev Posad. It was founded in the middle of the 14th century by Sergius of Radonezh. Since 1744 the Trinity Monastery of St Sergius is a laura. The word “laura” translated from the Greek means “a most important monastery”.
The unusually high bell-tower dominates the whole ensemble. The mass of churches and other buildings creates a joyous, uplifting sensation, particularly on sunny days, and recalls pictures of gingerbread towns on old woodcuts. This is one of Russia’s most important and highly revered monasteries, which still retains its greatness and renown. Here lie the relics of Sergius of Radonezh, that bring thousands of pilgrims here each year to do homage.
In the Soviet period Sergiev Posad was renamed Zagorsk in honour of the revolutionary Zagorsky, but in 1991 it got its old name back.
The population of Sergiev Posad is about 113 000 inhabitants.
SERGIEV POSADAt the entrance to Sergiev Posad from the top of the hill there is a breath-taking

Слайд 5Sergiev Posad Сергиев Посад

вход, въезд
Breath-taking захватывающий

View вид
Trinity Троица
Monastery монастырь
Laura лавра
bell-tower колокольня
Church церковь
Joyous приятный
Uplifting возвышенный
Sensation ощущение, чувство
Particularly особенно
Recall напоминать
Gingerbread пряничный
Woodcut гравюра на дереве
Revered почитаемый
Retain сохранять
Renown слава, известность
Relics мощи
Pilgrim паломник
Do homage свидетельствовать почтение
Zagorsk Загорск
Sergiev Posad   Сергиев ПосадEntrance        вход, въезд Breath-taking

Слайд 6When was Sergiev Posad founded?
Who was the city founded

What is the historical centre of Sergiev Posad?

is Sergiev Posad famous for?
What is the population of Sergiev Posad?
When was Sergiev Posad renamed Zagorsk?

When was Sergiev Posad founded? Who was the city founded by? What is the historical centre of

Pereslavl-Zalessky was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on

the banks of the deep River Trubezh that flows into

Lake Pleshcheyevo.
The population of this town is about 45 000 inhabitants.
One of the finest pages in the history of Pereslavl-Zalessky is connected with Peter the Great. On the banks of Lake Pleshcheyevo Peter the Great set about building the first Russian flotilla “for fun”, which marked the beginning of the Russian fleet.
Lake Pleshcheyevo is 9,5 km long and 6,7 km wide with a maximum depth of about 30 metres. It is one of the largest lakes in Central Russia. The lake that rocked the first ships of Russia’s sea fleet deserves to be called a sea. What is more the lake really does have the so-called Pereslavl herring, which is actually not herring at all, but a unique sort of whitefish (among other sorts) from the salmon family that specialists regard as a sea relict and still argue about how it could appear in a closed freshwater lake. Then this fish was called the ryapushka. A tender delicacy, it satisfied the most demanding palate and was always on the menu of the tsars and patriarchs during fasting.
There are four monasteries in Pereslavl-Zalessky. One of them is the Goritsky Monastery. It was founded in 15th century. The monastery got its name from its location on high ground by the edge of a slope.
PERESLAVL-ZALESSKYPereslavl-Zalessky was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on the banks of the deep River Trubezh

Слайд 9Pereslavl-Zalessky


River Trubezh река Трубеж
Lake Pleshcheyevo озеро Плещеево
set about распространять
Flotilla флотилия
“for fun” потешный
Mark ознаменовывать
Deserve заслуживать
Herring сельдь
Unique уникальный
Salmon лосось
Regard считать
Argue доказывать, спорить
Ryapushka ряпушка
Tender нежный
Delicacy деликатес
Satisfy доставлять удовольствие, радовать
Demanding требовательный
Palate вкус
Tsar царь
Patriarch патриарх
Fasting пост
Goritsky Monastery Горицкий монастырь
Edge край
Slope косогор
Pereslavl-Zalessky            Переславль-ЗалесскийPrince

Слайд 10When was Pereslavl-Zalessky founded?
Who was the city founded by?

Where is Pereslavl-Zalessky situated?
What do you know about Lake

What is Pereslavl-Zalessky famous for in the way of architecture?
What is the population of Sergiev Posad?
When was Pereslavl-Zalessky founded? Who was the city founded by? Where is Pereslavl-Zalessky situated? What do you

Rostov the Great was founded in 862. It

is situated on the bank of Lake Nero. The population

is about 37 000 inhabitants.
The name of Lake Nero means “silty, marshy” in Finnish. Lake Nero is more than 50 sq.km in area and 13 km long.
The historical centre of Rostov the Great is the Rostov Kremlin. It was built in late 17th century. The splendid ensemble of the kremlin dominates the surroundings creating a very special festive atmosphere. Everything here speaks of bygone days, remote pages of Russian history.
Besides, there are two monasteries in Rostov the Great – the Saviour Monastery of St Jacob and the Abraham Monastery. They were built in 14th and in 11-12th centuries respectively.
Yet Rostov the Great is famous for the Rostov enamels. In the 18th century Rostov became a centre for producing enamel insets and individual articles. The insets were used mainly to decorate church plate. The enameled insets depicting subjects were multi-coloured, necessitating several firings, and were particularly valued. With time the demand for these insets decreased, and the masters turned instead to making powder cases, hand mirrors, earrings, bracelets and portrait brooches.
ROSTOV THE GREATRostov the Great was founded in 862. It is situated on the bank of Lake

Слайд 13Rostov the Great

Ростов Великий
Lake Nero

Озеро Неро
Silty илистый
Marshy болотистый
Splendid прекрасный
Festive праздничный
Bygone прошлый
Remote отдаленный
Enamel эмаль
inset вставка
Individual личный
Article предмет, вещь
church plate церковная утварь
Depicting изображающий
Subject предмет
Multicoloured многокрасочный
Necessitating требующий
Firing обжиг
were particularly valued особенно ценились
Demand спрос
Powdercases пудреница
Mirror зеркало
Earrings серьги
Bracelet браслет
Portrait портрет
Brooch брошь
Souvenir сувенир
Rostov the Great              Ростов

Слайд 14When was Rostov the Great founded?
What is the historical

centre of Rostov the Great?
When was the Kremlin built?

How many monasteries are there in Rostov the Great?
What is Rostov the Great famous for in the way of souvenirs ?
What is the population of Rostov the Great?
When was Rostov the Great founded? What is the historical centre of Rostov the Great? When was

Yaroslavl is the largest and most active of the Golden

Ring towns. It was founded at the beginning of the

11th century by Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev as a fortified town on the right bank of the Volga at the point where the Kotorosl flows into it.
The population of Yaroslavl is about 628 000 inhabitants.
There are many churches in Yaroslavl. The Church of St Elijah the Prophet (1647 – 1650) is one of the most beautiful. It is situated in the centre of Yaroslavl, on the town’s main square, Sovietskaya.
Besides, Yaroslavl is famous for the Saviour Monastery. It was founded in the second half of the 12th century. After a fire in 1501 the monastery buildings were rebuilt in stone.
YAROSLAVLYaroslavl is the largest and most active of the Golden Ring towns. It was founded at the

Слайд 17Yaroslavl


Fortified укрепленный
Kotorosl река Которосль
Prophet пророк
Saviour Спаситель
Yaroslavl          ЯрославльWise

Слайд 18When was Yaroslavl founded?
Who was the city founded by?

Where is Yaroslavl situated?
What is Yaroslavl famous for in

the way of architecture?
What is the population of Yaroslavl?
Is Yaroslavl a large city?

When was Yaroslavl founded? Who was the city founded by? Where is Yaroslavl situated? What is Yaroslavl

Kostroma was founded in 1151 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki of

Suzdal. It is situated on the left bank of the

Volga at the point where the Kostroma River flows into it.
The population of Kostroma is about 286 000 inhabitants.
Kostroma is famous for the Hypatian Monastery and the open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture.
The Hypatian Monastery is situated on the promontory between the Volga and the Kostroma. It was founded in 1275.
The open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture is located in a picturesque meadow by the River Igumenka. Here you will find churches, log cabins and other buildings from all over Kostroma Region.
The best souvenirs to take home from Kostroma are the beautiful items made of pure linen. The bright and attractive linen tablecloths and napkins on the trays of local traders are real works of art.
KOSTROMAKostroma was founded in 1151 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki of Suzdal. It is situated on the left

Слайд 21Kostroma


Picturesque живописный
Meadow луг
River Igumenka река Игуменка
log cabin бревенчатый дом
Souvenir сувенир
Items изделия
pure linen чистый лен
Attractive привлекательный
Tablecloths скатерть
Napkin салфетка
Tray поднос
Kostroma           КостромаPromontory

Слайд 22When was Kostroma founded?
Who was the city founded by?

Where is Kostroma situated?
What do you know about the

Hypatian Monastery?
What do you know about the open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture?
What is Kostroma famous for in the way of souvenirs?
What is the population of Kostroma?
When was Kostroma founded? Who was the city founded by? Where is Kostroma situated? What do you




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