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Календарь праздников Великобритании и США


January 1 New Year Day

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Слайд 1Calendar of British and American Holidays

Calendar of British and American Holidays

Слайд 2January 1 New Year Day

January 1   New Year Day

Слайд 3
New Year is not so popular as Christmas but though

many people celebrate it.
On this day, families and friends meet

for a meal. People usually make promises for the New Year, they say, “I will work harder” or “I won’t tell lies this year”, but they forget their promises very quickly.
In London people often go to Trafalgar Square where at midnight when the chimes of Big Ben strike, they join their hands and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. There is a funny tradition when somebody falls into the fountain.
In the USA there are big football games and parades on New Year’s Day.

New Year is not so popular as Christmas but though many people celebrate it.On this day, families

Слайд 4January, the 3rd Monday Martin Luther King's Day

Martin Luther

King was an important black leader who fought for equal

rights for black people in the USA and in the whole world. His work was very significant.
He was killed in 1968 and since then his birthday has become a public holiday.
January, the 3rd Monday  Martin Luther King's DayMartin Luther King was an important black leader who

Слайд 6January 25 Burns' Night

January 25     Burns' Night

Слайд 7
Robert Burns’ birthday is a national holiday in Scotland which

is celebrated by reciting the great poet’s poems, listening to

pipe-bags music, eating traditional Scottish Haggis. The poet’s admirers mark this day all over the world.
Robert Burns’ birthday is a national holiday in Scotland which is celebrated by reciting the great poet’s

Слайд 8February 2 Groundhog Day

It is believed that

on this day you people watch the groundhog crawl out

of his hole. His behavior can show the approach of spring. According to legend, if the day is overcast, groundhog does not see his shadow and quietly leaves the hole, it means that winter will soon end and spring will come early. If the day is sunny, the groundhog sees his shadow and hides back into the hole, it means there will be six more weeks of winter. In several cities and towns in the United States merry festivals are held on this day.
February 2    Groundhog DayIt is believed that on this day you people watch the

Слайд 10February 14 St. Valentine’s Day

February 14   St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 11 Nobody knows much about St. Valentine.

People call him the saint of love. On this day

people write their names on cards with hearts on them and give them to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. Some people don’t put their names at the end of the cards because they want their names to be a secret.

Nobody knows much about St. Valentine. People call him the saint of love.

Слайд 12February, the 3rd Monday President's Day

February, the 3rd Monday    President's Day

Слайд 13
On this day pupils and students read about George Washington,

Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents. George Washington was the

first President of the USA. He was also a good soldier and a very honest man.
On this day pupils and students read about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents. George

Слайд 14March 17 St.Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick was

an Irish saint, and St. Patrick’s day is very popular

in cities where there are many people from Ireland. The Irish always celebrate this day no matter where they live.
Green is the Irish colour and people often wear green on this day. If you don’t wear green someone may pinch you.
March 17     St.Patrick’s DaySt. Patrick was an Irish saint, and St. Patrick’s day

Слайд 16April 1 April Fool’s Day

April 1     April Fool’s Day

Слайд 17People make jokes on this day and have a lot

of fun. People celebrate it in America in the same

way they celebrate it in the UK. When you have made a joke on your friend you usually say “April fool”.
Nobody is sure when or why the tradition began. Some people believe it began in France in the 16th century. In 1564, the king of France decided to change the first day of the new year from April 1st to January 1st. some people didn’t like it and celebrated the New Year on the 1st of April. They were “April Fools”, and other people made fun of them and played tricks on them.
People make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun. People celebrate it in America

Слайд 18April 21 The Queen's (real) birthday

April 21    The Queen's (real) birthday

Слайд 21The Queen usually spends her actual birthday privately, but the

occasion is marked publicly by gun salutes in central London

at midday: a 41 gun salute in Hyde Park, a 21 gun salute in Windsor Great Park and a 62 gun salute at the Tower of London.
The Queen usually spends her actual birthday privately, but the occasion is marked publicly by gun salutes

Слайд 22April 23 St. George's Day

April 23    St. George's Day

Слайд 23St. George was the patron saint of England. He is

honored for the fact that he killed a dragon that

was terrorizing a few English villages. On this day they raise the flag of England, known as the "Cross of St. George". The British carry red roses, the emblem of England; they cook traditional English dishes such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, sausage in the dough etc. In addition, on this day they sing English folk songs.
St. George was the patron saint of England. He is honored for the fact that he killed

Слайд 24May, the 1st Monday May Day

May, the 1st Monday   May Day

Слайд 25In May in England May Day is celebrated be organizing

the elite rock and folk festivals. Musicians, jugglers, stilt walkers,

minstrels create here the atmosphere of medieval carnival.
In May in England May Day is celebrated be organizing the elite rock and folk festivals. Musicians,

Слайд 26May, the 2nd Sunday Mother’s Day

May, the 2nd Sunday     Mother’s Day

Слайд 28Children usually spend the day with their parents. They give

them cards, flowers and presents.

Children usually spend the day with their parents. They give them cards, flowers and presents.

Слайд 29May, the last Monday Memorial Day

May, the last Monday    Memorial Day

Слайд 31This is a special day for people to remember those

who died in wars. Many people remember their dead relatives

and friends on this day too. Many people pay special visits to graves of their relatives and friends and leave flowers there.
This is a special day for people to remember those who died in wars. Many people remember

Слайд 32June 14 Flag Day

The American flag is often

called “Stars and Stripes”. It has 13 stripes (one for

each colony) and 50 stars (one for each state).
In 1777 the “Stars and Stripes” became the official flag of the USA.
When it was the flag’s hundredth birthday Americans first celebrated Flag Day in 1877. The American flag is seen in many places on this day.
June 14   Flag Day The American flag is often called “Stars and Stripes”. It has 13

Слайд 33June, the 3rd Sunday Father's Day

June, the 3rd Sunday   Father's Day

Слайд 34Children usually spend the day with their parents. They give

them cards, flowers and presents.

Children usually spend the day with their parents. They give them cards, flowers and presents.

Слайд 35July 4 Independence Day

On July 4th 1776 the

United States became independent from England. It was the beginning

of a new life. Families and friends celebrate this day. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. There are often picnics.
July 4   Independence DayOn July 4th 1776 the United States became independent from England. It

Слайд 37September, the 1st Monday Labor Day

September, the 1st Monday    Labor Day

Слайд 38This is a day of rest for the workers. There

are also parades on this day. This day is the

end of the summer and the beginning of the school year.
This is a day of rest for the workers. There are also parades on this day. This

Слайд 39October, the 2nd Monday Columbus Day


can see the American flag everywhere on Columbus Day to

honour the man who was the discoverer of their country.
October, the 2nd Monday     Columbus DayYou can see the American flag everywhere on

Слайд 41October 31 Halloween

This is one of

the most favourite holidays. Children dress up, shout “Trick or

treat”, get sweets, fruit, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in their windows.
October 31    Halloween This is one of the most favourite holidays. Children dress up,

Слайд 42 November 5 Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Day

In 1605, thirteen young

men planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Among

them was Guy Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor.
After Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, English Catholics who had been persecuted under her rule had hoped that her successor, James I, would be more tolerant of their religion. James I had, after all, a Catholic mother. Unfortunately, James did not turn out to be more tolerant than Elizabeth and a number of young men decided that violent action was the answer.
The thing to do was to blow up the Houses of Parliament. In doing so, they would kill the King, maybe even the Prince of Wales, and the Members of Parliament who were making life difficult for the Catholics.

 November 5  Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes DayIn 1605, thirteen young men planned to blow up the Houses

Слайд 45November, the 4th Thursday Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is a

special day for families to get together and give thanks

for different things. They usually do it in this way: “I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well”, or “I give thanks for a healthy year, a good job and for meeting my new friends”.
November, the 4th Thursday   Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving is a special day for families to get together

Слайд 47November 30 St. Andrew's Day

November 30   St. Andrew's Day

Слайд 49
St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. St. Andrew

was one of the Twelve Apostles and brother of Simon

Peter (Saint Peter). He was a fisherman by trade, who lived in Galilee. Saint Andrew is also the patron saint of Romania and Russia.
The Scottish flag is the cross of St. Andrew. The blue stands for the sky.
St. Andrew 's Day marks the opening of Christmas Markets. Many Midwinter customs and folk superstitions are also connected with St. Andrew 's day. Around midnight on Nov 29th, the day before St Andrew's Day, it was traditional for girls to pray to St. Andrew for a husband. They would make a wish and look for a sign that they had been heard. 
St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. St. Andrew was one of the Twelve Apostles and

Слайд 50December 25 Christmas Day


December 25    Christmas Day  Christmas

Слайд 51
This is the biggest holiday of the year and many

people enjoy it most of all. People send cards and

decorate their houses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve many people go to churches and sing Christmas carols. The heads of the states give their speeches on TV.
On Christmas Day people prepare a traditional l dinner of turkey with vegetables, salads, cookies, nuts, sweets and fruit. Santa Clause puts his presents for children into stockings.
This is the biggest holiday of the year and many people enjoy it most of all. People

Слайд 52December 26 Boxing Day

According to the traditions

of Christmas, in the night from 24 to 25 December,

Santa Claus puts gifts under the Christmas tree. In the morning, when everyone wakes up, they begin to open the boxes in which there are holiday gifts. If the family is large and there are many children, the house are filled with empty boxes that children are not always in a hurry to take away, because their attention is focused on the content .That is why this day became known as "the day of boxes".
December 26    Boxing DayAccording to the traditions of Christmas, in the night from 24

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