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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Kazakhstan
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

KazakhstanAstana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Слайд 2Kazakhstan flag
coat of arms

Kazakhstan  flagKazakhstancoat of arms

Слайд 3The people - the only source of state power.

The people - the only source of state power.

Слайд 4The Constitution - the basic law
August 30, 1995

The Constitution - the basic law August 30, 1995

Слайд 5Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Supreme Court
Constitutional Council

President –
the Head

of State

Legislative BranchExecutive BranchJudicial Branch Parliament Senat Majilis Government Supreme CourtAnd Constitutional CouncilPresident – the Head of State

Слайд 6 The President of Kazakhstan – N.A.Nazarbayev
is the supreme commander

has the right to dissolve parliament
signs laws
appoints referendums
conducts international negotiations

and sign contracts

President –
the Head of State

The President of Kazakhstan – N.A.NazarbayevFunctions:is the supreme commander he has the right to dissolve parliamentsigns

Слайд 7Parliament of Kazakhstan is the highest representative body of the

Parliament consists of two Chambers : the Senate and

the Majilis
Senate consist of forty seven deputies. Senate are elected once in 6 years term.
Majilis consists of
seventy-seven deputies.
Majilis are elected once
in 5 years term.
Adopt a law

Legislative Branch

Parliament of Kazakhstan is the highest representative body of the Republic Parliament consists of two Chambers :

Слайд 8Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic

of Kazakhstan headed by the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister appointed by

the president with the consent of Parliament.
The President is elected on referendum
President of the Republic is elected for five years.

Executive Branch

Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by the Prime Minister.Prime

Слайд 9The highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court and Constitutional

Judges are appointed by the president
The Constitutional Court consists of

15 members
The Constitutional Court are elected once in 13 years term

Judicial Branch

The highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court and Constitutional CouncilJudges are appointed by the presidentThe Constitutional

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