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Конструирование технологической карты урока английского языка в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС по теме Types of Houses

Цель: научиться описывать различные типы домов в Англии и узнавать их по описаниюЗадачи:повторить лексику, обозначающую комнаты и мебельповторить употребление грамматических структур there is/areпознакомиться и запомнить слова, обозначающие типы домов в Англиинаучиться

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A typical English house

A typical English house

Слайд 2Цель: научиться описывать различные типы домов в Англии и узнавать

их по описанию
повторить лексику, обозначающую комнаты и мебель
повторить употребление грамматических

структур there is/are
познакомиться и запомнить слова, обозначающие типы домов в Англии
научиться самостоятельно описывать различные типы домов в Англии
Цель: научиться описывать различные типы домов в Англии и узнавать их по описаниюЗадачи:повторить лексику, обозначающую комнаты и

Слайд 3Tongue Twister
“How many houses had a horse
If a horse could

have a house”

Tongue Twister“How many houses had a horseIf a horse could have a house”

Слайд 4What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 5What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 6What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 7What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 8What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 9What room is this?

What room is this?

Слайд 10Физкультминутка!


Слайд 11This house is situated in a long row of houses.

They all usually look the same. Both sides of each

house in a row share common walls with a neighbouring house. They’re generally two-to three-storeys high.
They first appeared in the end of the 16th century as the houses with uniform fronts. Many of them were destroyed in the Great Fire of London and rebuilt later.
Today these houses are made of bricks. They usually have no gardens. There is always a hall, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen downstairs and two- or three bedrooms upstairs.

an inside wall – внутренняя стена

a row – ряд

to share – делить/разделять

a common wall – общая стена

uniform front – одинаковый фасад

the Great Fire of London – Великий лондонский пожар

brick – кирпич

This house is situated in a long row of houses. They all usually look the same. Both

Слайд 13This house doesn’t share an inside wall with any other

house. And it is usually occupied by one family. There

is also a garage and a garden around the house.
Such types of houses became popular in England after the Second World War. Because many families could buy cars.
Today such houses are common in rural and suburban areas. They are usually two-storeys high. They have all types of rooms, such as a hall, a living-room, a dining-room, a bathroom, a kitchen and several bedrooms. Many British people think that such house is the best type of house to have.

to share – делить/разделять

an inside wall – внутренняя стена

to be occupied – быть занятым

the Second World War – Вторая Мировая Война

rural and suburban areas - сельские и пригородные области

This house doesn’t share an inside wall with any other house. And it is usually occupied by

Слайд 15This is a housing unit that occupies only part of

a building. Such building may be called a block of

flats, for example. The types of such housing units are different. But usually it has a kitchen, a bathroom, a living-room and one, two, or even three bedrooms.
Such types of housing units became popular in the last quarter of the 19th century. Because many people moved from the countryside into the cities.
In our days these units are very convenient. Practically all of them have telephones, air conditioners, cable television and even a parking space. But in many of them families can’t keep a pet.

a housing unit – жилищная единица

а block of flats – жилой дом

in the last quarter – в последней четверти

countryside – сельская местность

This is a housing unit that occupies only part of a building. Such building may be called

Слайд 17Цель: научиться описывать различные типы домов в Англии и узнавать

их по описанию
повторить лексику, обозначающую комнаты и мебель
повторить употребление грамматических

структур there is/are
познакомиться и запомнить слова, обозначающие типы домов в Англии
научиться самостоятельно описывать различные типы домов в Англии
Цель: научиться описывать различные типы домов в Англии и узнавать их по описаниюЗадачи:повторить лексику, обозначающую комнаты и

Слайд 18Hometask:
St.B. p. 51 Text “Semi-detached houses” read and translate.

Hometask:St.B. p. 51 Text “Semi-detached houses” read and translate.

Слайд 19Thank you for your work!
Well done!!!

Thank you for your work!Well done!!!

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