Проектная деятельность на уроках английского языка с использованием межпредметных
Тема проекта: «Муай Тай в моей жизни»
Руководитель: учитель анг. языка
МБОУ СОШ № 2 г. Моздок РСО-А Иванова Ольга Александровна
Исполнитель проекта: ученик 6Б класса МБОУ СОШ № 2 г. Моздок РСО-А Тебиев Алан
Учебные дисциплины, близкие к теме проекта: физическая культура
Девиз проекта: «Не имеет значения выиграете вы или проиграете, важно, как вы играете!»
Тип проекта: творческий, учебный, индивидуальный
Слайд 3Цели проекта:
Развитие навыков использования методов творческой активности обучающихся, умения
применять английский язык как средство для овладения другими
предметными знаниями и поиска необходимой информации.
Воспитание информационной культуры, здорового образа жизни, желания заниматься спортом, стремления к достижению успеха.
Сбор информации о Муай Тай, истории спорта, его роли в жизни людей в мире, в России, в жизни конкретного человека через использование различных источников (в том числе сети Интернет) с применением знания английского языка.
Формирование умения передавать содержание текста с опорой на презентацию;
Развитие умения решать проблемные вопросы в процессе свободной беседы на заданную тему, отвечать на вопросы, высказывать свое мнение, используя предложенные опоры.
Слайд 4Проблемные вопросы проекта:
1. История Муай Тай
2. Правила в Муай
3.Принципы Муай Тай.
4.Найти общие и отличительные черты спортивных предпочтений
в мире и в нашей стране.
5.Доказать, что данный вид спорта способствует здоровому образу жизни
6.Доказать необходимость заниматься спортом.
7. Выразить своё отношение к спорту.
8.Создать презентацию с целью рекламы Муай Тай.
Необходимое оборудование: текстовый материал, компьютер, проектор, Интернет.
Слайд 5Ресурсы проекта:
Абидов Т.Х. Чемпионами не рождаются.
Большая олимпийская энциклопедия
Продукт проекта:
электронная презентация
Слайд 6Девиз проекта:
«Не имеет значения
выиграете вы или проиграете,
как вы играете!»
Слайд 7As a Nak Muay (student of Muay Thai), learning the
background of the Thai boxing culture is important to truly
understand what the martial art is all about. Besides understanding the ceremonial dance known as the wai kru ram muay, it’s also important to know about the rules, scoring system, history, pre-fight rituals, and traditions that make this sport so unique.
Слайд 8History
Muay Thai or Thai Boxing
is the national sport
cultural martial art of Thailand. It was developed several hundreds
of years ago
as a form of close-combat
that utilizes the entire body as a weapon.
Слайд 9Today its definitive origins are debated by modern scholars, as
much of the muay thai history was lost when the
Burmese ransacked Ayudhaya, Siam’s capital city in Thailand, during the 14th century.
Слайд 10In the first professional fights, fighters were not matched up
by weight, height, experience or age. There were no time
limits on fights; they continued until there was a definite winner. Local champions would represent their city or village, and often times fought on behalf of wealthy businessmen or royalty as a way for them to settle disputes.
Слайд 11Losing a fight often resulted in the fighter and/or businessman
losing face.
Gambling on Muay Thai matches was as popular
then as it is now in stadiums across the country.
Слайд 12Fundamental, Basic Muay Thai Training Principles
All these concepts are not
only for muay thai either,
they are principles to live
your daily life by.
“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing
is not enough, we must do.”- Bruce Lee
Dedication “What lazy people call obsession, determined people call dedication.”
Perseverance “Fall down seven times, stand up eight”
Hard Work “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”
Heart/Passion “Life is either a daring adventure or
nothing at all.”
Mental Toughness “Mental toughness is to physical as
four is to one.”
Repetition “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000
kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one
kick 10,000 times.”
Слайд 13Repetition is one of the most basic but essential muay
thai principles to follow if you are looking to excel
in thai boxing.
Living A Healthy Lifestyle
All muay thai principles has to be a top priority, but especially this one if you plan on excelling in your muay thai training.
To get the most out of your muay thai training you have to eat nutritiously and give your body enough time to rest and recover from the beatings you are sure to take.
Drinking and smoking are detrimental to your body and I know plenty of fighters who still perform well even though they drink occasionally or smoke everyday… but I can only imagine how much better they be if they put 100% into muay thai.
Early on in your amateur muay thai career or training you can probably get away with all your unhealthy habits, but if you want to really excel and take muay thai seriously, you have to adapt a healthy way of living.
Слайд 14The Golden Age of Muay Thai
King Rama V realized the
value of Muay Thai and did much to promote the
sport from the late 1880′s to the turn of the century. He promoted tournaments and “Muay Luang”, also called Royally appointed Boxing Centers throughout the kingdom, which often served as a way for him to find personal guards or Royal officers when a fighter was victorious.
Often times the top fighters at the Royal Muay Thai Centers would be given personal invitations by the King to fight at tournaments, festivals and important international events. The Department of Education was created in 1887, with Muay Thai as part of the Military Cadet teachers school curriculum.
Слайд 15People all over the world are fond of sports and
games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized
and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.
Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields.
Слайд 16Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments.
Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the
kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.
More & more teenagers & adults all over the world become interested in one of the Oriental Martial Arts –
in Muay Thai.
Слайд 17My Muay Thai
I’m very happy that I open the world
of Muay Thai to myself.
The more I get into
the more I’m satisfied…
So, why Muay Thai?
It is a discipline.
It is a fantastic physical workout.
It is a happiness.
It is a team.
It is a life in the present.
It is a self-defense.