Разделы презентаций

"My body" presentation

The procedure of the lesson:I.Organization momentII.Check up the home taskIII. New theme IV. Phonics exercisesV. ConclusionVI. The end of the lessonBooks,pens,car,plane,sheep,spoons,moon,balloon,egg,flowers,a cake,candleThis is

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2The procedure of the lesson:
I.Organization moment
II.Check up the home task

New theme
IV. Phonics exercises
V. Conclusion
VI. The end of the


Books,pens,car,plane,sheep,spoons,moon,balloon,egg,flowers,a cake,candle
This is These are

The procedure of the lesson:I.Organization momentII.Check up the home taskIII. New theme IV. Phonics exercisesV. ConclusionVI. The

Слайд 3The aims of the lesson:
To enlarge the pupils new vocabulary

about ‘My body’and develop speaking, writing,understanding and oral speech.

The aims of the lesson:To enlarge the pupils new vocabulary about ‘My body’and develop speaking, writing,understanding and

Слайд 4

One,two, three,four,five!
We can jump,
But we can’t fly!
We can’t

But we can run!
Warm-upOne,two, three,four,five!We can jump,But we

Слайд 6Revision
Check up the home task

RevisionCheck up the home task

Слайд 8Listen and learn new words: A head-бас A shoulder-иық A knee-тізе
A toe-басбармақ A hand-қол A

leg-аяқ Left-сол Right-оң

Listen and learn new words: A head-бас A shoulder-иық A knee-тізеA toe-басбармақ A hand-қол A leg-аяқ Left-сол

Слайд 9Grammar rules: This is/These are
For example: This is my head.

are my ears.

Grammar rules: This is/These areFor example: This is my head.These are my ears.

Слайд 10Head, shoulders,knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head,shoulders, knees

and toes,
Eyes, ears,mouth and nose.


Head, shoulders,knees and toes,Knees and toes, knees and toes.Head,shoulders, knees and toes,Eyes, ears,mouth and nose.Warm-up

Слайд 11Phonics exercises

Phonics exercises

Слайд 12Conclusion


Слайд 14The end of the lesson

The end of the lesson

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