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My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady is the most popular musical created in the last century. Among those who made it so famous were Alan Jay Lerner , who wrote the book and lyrics,

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2My Fair Lady is the most popular musical created in

the last century. Among those who made it so famous

were Alan Jay Lerner , who wrote the book and lyrics, and Frederick Loewe, who did the music (both Americans); Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews (both British), who starred; and – to coin a phrase – last, but not least, George Bernard Shaw , the English playwright on whose best play Pygmalion the musical was based.

My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady is the most popular musical created in the last century. Among those who made

Слайд 31.George Bernard Shaw wrote his Pygmalion in 1930.

b) False

c) Not stated
2.The name of the play was chosen according to a Greek myth.
a)True b) False c) Not stated
3.Henry Higgins was a professor of phonetics in London University.
a)True b) False c) Not stated
4.Eliza is a glamorous aristocrat.
a)True b) False c) Not stated
5.Cockney is a working class Londoner born in a particular place in the East End.
a)True b) False c) Not stated
6.Professor Higgins fell in love with Eliza.
a)True b) False c) Not stated

George Bernard Show
(1856 – 1950)

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer

1.George Bernard Shaw wrote his Pygmalion in 1930.a)True         b)

Слайд 4Who are the Cockneys?
Read the text and use the words

in appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table.

Who are the Cockneys? Read the text and use the words in appropriate forms. Transfer your answers

Слайд 5Alan Jay Lerner
Frederick Loewe
In 1952 Alan Jay Lerner began to

change the play into a musical. He worked on it

for four years, writing a song here and a bit of dialogue there.
With Frederick Loewe they put together five songs.

Alan Jay LernerFrederick LoeweIn 1952 Alan Jay Lerner began to change the play into a musical. He

Слайд 6Lerner was impressed by Rex Harrison as Professor Higgins and

he tailored his material to Harrison’s style, the result being,

among other magnetic songs,
the gentle, reflective
“ I’ve grown accustomed to her face”


Lerner was impressed by Rex Harrison as Professor Higgins and he tailored his material to Harrison’s style,

Слайд 7For Julie Andrews, who played Eliza Doolittle, Lerner and Loewe

wrote the dreamy “I could have danced all night”, the

revengeful “Just you wait” and delightful “Wouldn’t it be lovely”.


For Julie Andrews, who played Eliza Doolittle, Lerner and Loewe wrote the dreamy “I could have danced

Слайд 8The musical became a film with practically the same cast

except… Julie Andrews.
The actress who was invited to play Elisa

Doolittle was
Audrey Hepburn.
The film was made by Warner Brothers and released in 1964.
It has been extremely popular ever since.


The musical became a film with practically the same cast except… Julie Andrews.The actress who was invited

Слайд 9Митюгина Татьяна Геннадьевна
Учитель английского языка
МОУ Кокинская СОШ Брянской области


Н.А.Бонк, Е.М.Салтыкова “English for advanced learners” Москва, «РОСМЭН» 2009г.

Митюгина Татьяна ГеннадьевнаУчитель английского языка МОУ Кокинская СОШ Брянской областиИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ:Н.А.Бонк, Е.М.Салтыкова “English for advanced learners” Москва,

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