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My first travel to Great Britain 5 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My first travel to Great Britain.

My first travel to Great Britain.

Слайд 2Scotland is an amazing land.

Scotland is an amazing land.

Слайд 3Scotland is a land of amazing lakes.

Scotland is a land of amazing lakes.

Слайд 4Scotland is a land of amazing lakes, bagpipes and Highland


Scotland is a land of amazing lakes, bagpipes and Highland Games.

Слайд 5Wales is a romantic land.

Wales is a romantic land.

Слайд 6 Wales is a land of romantic valleys.

Wales is a land of romantic valleys.

Слайд 7Wales is a land of romantic valleys, and beautiful daffodils.

Wales is a land of romantic valleys, and beautiful daffodils.

Слайд 8England is an attractive land.

England is an attractive land.

Слайд 9England is a land of attractive landscapes.

England is a land of attractive landscapes.

Слайд 10England is a land of attractive landscapes with lakes and


England is a land of attractive landscapes with lakes and dales.

Слайд 11England is an attractive land with dales and lakes.

England is an attractive land with dales and lakes.

Слайд 12London is the capital of Great Britain

London is the capital of Great Britain

Слайд 16In parks and gardens. In parks and gardens. Visit London’s charming

gardens, art galleries and large parks.

In parks and gardens.         In parks and gardens.

Слайд 17Let’s read words! O’k?
land, scape, landscape, dale, parks,

valley, gardens, attractive, lakes, romantic, travel, galleries, Wales, Scotland, England,

amazing, bagpipes, games, art, flag, Trafalgar, named, paintings, large, charming
Let’s read words! O’k?  land, scape, landscape, dale, parks, valley, gardens, attractive, lakes, romantic, travel, galleries,

Слайд 18

Thank you!

Автор: Лёвичева Татьяна Васильевна,

учитель английского языка МКОУ «Великогубская СОШ»,Карелия

Thank you! Автор: Лёвичева Татьяна Васильевна,

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