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Открытый урок по английскому языку "Tiny’s daily routine" 3 класс

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Слайд 1Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3 “Г" классе на

Tiny’s daily routine

Учитель английского языка Садиева Д.А.
ГБОУ СОШ № 348

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3 “Г

Слайд 2The 28th of April

The 28th of AprilTuesday

Слайд 4Today we will talk about:
1. Your daily routine;
2. the

3. Tiny’s daily routine.

Today we will talk about:1. Your daily routine; 2. the Time;3. Tiny’s daily routine.

Слайд 5The Plan:
1. Greeting
2. The aim
3. Phonetics
4. Speaking (translate the words)

A game
6. Dialogues
7. A break
8.What’s the time


Poems/ a performance
10. Listening
11. Reading
12. Homework
13. A song
14. The results
The Plan:1. Greeting2. The aim3. Phonetics4. Speaking (translate the words)5. A game 6. Dialogues 7. A break

Слайд 6Tongue-twisters

1. “Tick”, the clock says “Tick, tick, tick What

you have to do, do quick!”
2. Which wristwatches are Swiss


Tongue-twisters 1. “Tick”, the clock says “Tick, tick, tick What you have to do, do quick!”2. Which

Слайд 7A game “It’s false”
1. You get up at 12 o’clock.

2. You have breakfast at five o’clock in the evening.

3. You have lunch at 8 am.
4. You clean your teeth and wash your face at 2 o’clock.
5. You go to school at 10.30.
6. You go to bed at 6 pm.

A game “It’s false”1. You get up at 12 o’clock. 2. You have breakfast at five o’clock

Слайд 81.When do you usually get up?
2. When do you usually

have breakfast?
3. When do you usually go to school?
4. When

do you come home?
5. When do you usually have lunch?
6. When do you usually have dinner?
7. When do you go to bed?

Your daily life

1.When do you usually get up?2. When do you usually have breakfast?3. When do you usually go

Слайд 9What time is it? It is ….

What time is it? It is ….

Слайд 10Having a rest
Up, down, up, down,
(поднимаем руки вверх и

Which is the way
Разводим руки в стороны.)
To London town?

Where? Up in the air
(смотрим по сторонам.)

Close your eyes
(закрываем глаза.)
And you are there!
(открываем глаза.)

Having a restUp, down, up, down, (поднимаем руки вверх и вниз.)Which is the way Разводим руки в

Слайд 12Listen and find the right answers.
1) Who lives in a

fairytale forest?
No, he isn’t. He often plays jokes.
2) Does Tiny

like ice cream?
He likes to ride his scooter.
3) What does he like to do?
Yes, he does. He has a sweet tooth.
4) Is he sad?
Tiny does.
Listen and find the right answers.1) Who lives in a fairytale forest?No, he isn’t. He often plays

Слайд 13Check your answers.
1) Who lives in a fairytale forest?
2) Does

Tiny like ice cream?
3) What does he like to do?

Is he sad?

Tiny does.
Yes, he does. He has a sweet tooth.
He likes to ride his scooter.
No, he isn’t. He often plays jokes.

Check your answers.1) Who lives in a fairytale forest?2) Does Tiny like ice cream?3) What does he

Слайд 14Textbook: Ex. 4page 112

Textbook: Ex. 4page 112

Слайд 15Homework/ Workbook: page 70 Ex. 1-3. Textbook: Ex. 6, page

Homework/ Workbook: page 70 Ex. 1-3. Textbook: Ex. 6, page 113

Слайд 16Let’s sing a song “The mulberry bush”
Here we go round

the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we

go round the mulberry bush,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we wash our face, Wash our face, wash our face, This is the way we wash our face
Early in the morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth,
This is the way we brush our teeth,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair,
This is the way we comb our hair, Early in the morning.
This is the way we go to school, Go to school, go to school,
This is the way we go to school,
Early in the morning.

Let’s sing a song “The mulberry bush”Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the

Слайд 17Thank you for your work! You are clever pupils!

Thank you for your work! You are clever pupils!

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