Разделы презентаций

Погода и одежда. Настоящее продолженное время 3 класс

What will be the topic of the lesson?What are you waiting from our lesson?We are going to …readlistenspeakwritelearnplay3) What for?to learn how to speak about …

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3What will be the topic of the lesson?
What are you

waiting from our lesson?
We are going to …
3) What for?

learn how to speak about …

What will be the topic of the lesson?What are you waiting from our lesson?We are going to

Слайд 4When the weather is wet  We must not fret,  When the weather

is cold  We must not scold.  When the weather is warm  We must

not storm.  But be thankful together  Whatever the weather. 
When the weather is wet  We must not fret,  When the weather is cold  We must not

Слайд 9Example: He is wearing a hat
PRESENT CONTINUOUS (настоящее продолженное


Example:  He is wearing a hatPRESENT CONTINUOUS (настоящее продолженное время)

Слайд 12Dear friends,
My name is Lukas. I am from Brazil. It

is very
in Brazil. I like it! I can

swim and


I every day. I am very active.

Help me to find my style! I have a lot of but
I can’t choose.
Please write back.
Your pen friend, Lukas

Dear friends,My name is Lukas. I am from Brazil. It is very and in Brazil. I like

Слайд 13We can …
speak about …
read …
write …
dance …

to …

We can …  speak about …read …write …dance …listen to …

Слайд 14 - I’m happy (I like the lesson )

serious. (I like the lesson but there are
some difficulties for

me )

- I’m sad (I don’t like the lesson)

- I’m happy (I like the lesson ) I’m serious. (I like the lesson but there

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