Разделы презентаций



цели урока1.  Активизировать лексический материал в речи по теме Holidays. 2. Повторить грамматическое явление разделительные вопросы. 3.  Развивать познавательную активность учащихся, способствовать развитию эмоциональной, мотивационной, интеллектуальной 4.  Формировать навык умения интеллектуального труда.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1урок-презентация по английском языку в 8 классе на тему "Праздники"

Шарафутдинова Гульназ Хамбеловна. (Марсовская средняя школа)

урок-презентация  по английском языку  в 8 классе  на тему

Слайд 2

цели урока
1.  Активизировать лексический материал в речи по теме Holidays.

Повторить грамматическое явление разделительные вопросы.
3.  Развивать познавательную активность учащихся, способствовать

развитию эмоциональной, мотивационной, интеллектуальной

4.  Формировать навык умения интеллектуального труда.

цели урока1.  Активизировать лексический материал в речи по теме Holidays. 2. Повторить грамматическое явление разделительные вопросы. 3.  Развивать познавательную

Слайд 31.   Организационный момент.
2.   Речевая зарядка. - Слайд №6
3.   Работа над словами.

№1 - Слайд №7
Упражнение№2 - Слайд8

- Слайд9
Упражнение№6 – Слайд №10
Упражнение№7 – Слайд №11

Ход урока

1.   Организационный момент.2.   Речевая зарядка. - Слайд №63.   Работа над словами.  Упражнение №1 - Слайд №7  Упражнение№2 -

Слайд 44.   Работа над текстом.
Ознакомление с новыми словами – Слайд №12
Текст «The

story of Mother’s Day» - Слайд№13
Упражнение№1 - Слайд№14
Упражнение№2 - Слайд№15

- Слайд№16
Упражнение №4 - Слайд№17
5.   Повторение грамматического материала. - Слайд№18
Упражнение№1 - Слайд№19-20

4.   Работа над текстом.Ознакомление с новыми словами – Слайд №12Текст «The story of Mother’s Day» - Слайд№13Упражнение№1 -

Слайд 56.   Подведение итогов.
7.   Рефлексия.
Оценка учащимися формы и методов,
содержания урока, деятельности учащихся,

деятельности учителя.

8. Дом. Задание. - Слайд №21-22

6.   Подведение итогов. 7.   Рефлексия.Оценка учащимися формы и методов, содержания урока, деятельности учащихся, деятельности учителя.8. Дом. Задание. - Слайд №21-22

Слайд 6Are there many holidays in our country?
What holiday

do you like best?
Have you got a special family holiday?

holidays have a historical tradition of celebration?
What Tatarstan traditional holidays do you know?
Are there many holidays in our country?  What holiday do you like best?Have you got a

Слайд 7Write the Russian equivalents.

Write the Russian equivalents.NationalOfficialPublicReligiousSocialCustomCelebrateDecorateObserveReceive

Слайд 9Say which card (A-E) the people received in the below

1. We are going to France after the wedding.

My husband is a journalist and I am a photographer.
2. When you are seventeen, every body thinks you are a child. Then you are eighteen, and you are an adult.
3. I have just have a second child I am glad she is a girl because our first child is a boy.
4. Those were the last exams of my life, and I am leaving school now.
5. We have already lived in three different places, but for the first time we are in our own home.

Say which card (A-E) the people received in the below situations. 1. We are going to France

Слайд 10Look through some dates that people in Britain celebrate. Guess

which days British people associate with the objects in the

pictures below.

Look through some dates that people in Britain celebrate. Guess which days British people associate with the objects in the pictures below.

Look through some dates that people in Britain celebrate. Guess which days British people associate with the

Слайд 11Complete the sentences
1.May Day is a Day when…
2.The first of

January is the Day
3. The ninth of May is the

Day when …
4. The eight of March is the Day when…
5. The third of July is…
6. The seventh of January is…

A) people celebrate the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
b) people honour mothers and all women.
c) the Christmas Day.
d) people see the New Year Day in.
e) people welcome spring and honour labour.
f) The Independence day.

Complete the sentences1.May Day is a Day when…2.The first of January is the Daywhen…3. The ninth of

Слайд 12Trace проследить

Employer работодатель
Encourage поощрять

Spiritual духовный
Campaign кампания
harm вред

Trace       проследитьServants    слугаEmployer    работодательEncourage

Слайд 13The Story of Mother's Day
Denmark, Finland, Italy Turkey, Australia, Belgium

which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the second of May.

earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rea, the Mother of Gods.
During the 1600`s England celebrated a day called “Mothering Sunday” . ”Mothering Sunday” honoured the mothers of England. During this time many of England's poor people worked as servants for the wealthy . As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were to encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.
As Christianity spread throughout Europe the celebration changed to honour the “Mother church”- the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration. People began honouring their mothers.
In the Unite States Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as the day dedicated to peace. Ms. Howe organized Mother’s Day meetings in Boston. In 1907 Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia began a campaign to establish a national Mother’s Day. By the next year Mother’s Day was celebrated in Philadelphia. Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother’s Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914 made the Mother’s Day a national holiday that was be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May. While many countries of the world celebrated their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy Turkey, Australia, Belgium which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the second of May.
The Story of Mother's DayDenmark, Finland, Italy Turkey, Australia, Belgium which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the

Слайд 14Say if the sentences are true or false.
The earliest Mother’s

Day Celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations

of ancient Greece in honor of Rea.
During the 1600’s England celebrated a day called “Fathering Day”.
Over time the church festival changed with the Mothering Sunday celebration.
In the United States Mother’s Day was fist suggested in 2005.
In 1908 Mother’s Day was celebrated in all the states.
President Jorge Bush in 1914 made the Mother’s day a national holiday.

Say if the sentences are true or false.The earliest Mother’s Day Celebrations can be traced back to

Слайд 15Complete the sentences
During this time many of England’s people…
The Christianity

spread throughout Europe…
Over time the church festival…
In the United states

Mother’s Day…
By the next year …
It was successful as…
While many countries…

Complete the sentencesDuring this time many of England’s people…The Christianity spread throughout Europe…Over time the church festival…In

Слайд 16Find the English equivalents
Самое раннее празднование Дня матери
Материнское воскресенье
Так как

работали далеко от дома
Материнский пирог
Христианство распространилось по Европе
Со временем церковный

праздник смешался с празднованием материнского воскресенья.
Начала кампанию по основанию

Find the English equivalentsСамое раннее празднование Дня материМатеринское воскресеньеСлугаТак как работали далеко от домаМатеринский пирогХристианство распространилось по

Слайд 17Describe:
Mothering Sunday
How Christianity influenced on holiday
United States Mother’s holiday

Describe:  Mothering SundayHow Christianity influenced on holidayUnited States Mother’s holiday

Слайд 18Answer the questions
Когда употребляются разделительные вопросы ?
Как образуются разделительные вопрос?

первой части предложения глагол стоит в утвердительной форме, какой форме

будет глагол во второй части?
Если первой части предложения глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, какой форме будет глагол во второй части?
Какие вспомогательные глаголы вам известны?

Answer the questionsКогда употребляются разделительные вопросы ?Как образуются разделительные вопрос?Если первой части предложения глагол стоит в утвердительной

Слайд 19Add the tag endings:

People in Britain have a great tradition,

They like to keep it, ……
Britain is a nation of

animal lovers, …..
British food is not tasty, …….
Every Welshman sings beautifully, ……

Add the tag endings:People in Britain have a great tradition, They like to keep it, ……Britain is

Слайд 201. You are in the fifth form, aren’t you?
2. You

don’t like picnics, do you?
3. You helped the old woman

on your way to school, didn’t you?
4. Your friend can’t drive a car, can he?
5. You won’t have a Maths exam this year, will you?

Answer the questions.

1. You are in the fifth form, aren’t you?2. You don’t like picnics, do you?3. You helped

Слайд 21Homework
Page 107, exercise 1 (read & translate)

HomeworkPage 107, exercise 1 (read & translate)

Слайд 22Good-buy


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