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Презентация для уроку "My family."

Hi! My name is Marat. I am eleven. I am a pupil. I am in class 5.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

The presentation is made by
Zhakupov Marat

MY FAMILYThe presentation is made byZhakupov Marat

Слайд 2Hi! My name is Marat. I am eleven. I am

a pupil. I am in class 5.

Hi! My name is Marat. I am eleven. I am a pupil. I am in class 5.

Слайд 3I am good at school. History, Geography and Art are my

favourite. Maths and Russian are fine but not easy for

me. P.E.is difficult for me.
I am good at school. History, Geography and Art are my favourite. Maths and Russian are fine

Слайд 4And this is my family. There are four of us

in my family: my mum, dad,me and elder sis Alina.

And this is my family. There are four of us in my family: my mum, dad,me and

Слайд 5Look! This is my mum.Her name is Olga. She is

a teacher. She likes her job. Her hobby is dancing.

My mum is the soul of our family.
Look! This is my mum.Her name is Olga. She is a teacher. She likes her job. Her

Слайд 6My sister is seventeen. She is in class11. She wants

to be a doctor. She is the president of our

school organization. She likes to sing.
My sister is seventeen. She is in class11. She wants to be a doctor. She is the

Слайд 7This is my dad. His name is Sergei. He is

40. He works in Volgograd. He is a builder.

This is my dad. His name is Sergei. He is 40. He works in Volgograd. He is

Слайд 8Our family is very friendly. We love each other very


Our family is very friendly. We love each other very much.

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