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Презентация к мероприятию "День Благодарения"

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2The first Thanksgiving celebration

The first Thanksgiving celebration

Слайд 3 Friends and families get together for a big dinner.

Friends and families get together for a big dinner.

Слайд 5What is the key word of this holiday?

Т for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy

weather. H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday. A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart. N for neighbours, and October, nice things, new things lo remember. К for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon. S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
What is the key word of this holiday?   Т for time to be together, turkey,

Слайд 6"The symbols of Thanksgiving Day".

Слайд 71. When was the first Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
2. What did

the Pilgrims sail from England for?
3. What was the name

of the ship?
4. What did the native Indians teach the Pilgrims?
5. How many Pilgrims were there in the ship?
6. Why did the Pilgrims invite their Indian friends for the feast?
7. What was the menu of the feast?
8. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in the USA?

1. When was the first Thanksgiving Day celebrated?2. What did the Pilgrims sail from England for?3. What

Слайд 8
1.We can't imagine Thanksgiving Day without....
2. I'd like to try...

The most popular symbol of Thanksgiving Day is....
4. Thanksgiving is

time to decorate....
5. Thanksgiving Day is associated with....
6. Thanksgiving is a day when people send....

1.We can't imagine Thanksgiving Day without....2. I'd like to try...3. The most popular symbol of Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 9Make up words of Thanksgiving Day.

nihagnksigtv radc
plpea iep

Make up words of Thanksgiving Day.iorcocpaunerahwtnihagnksigtv radcplpea ieprueytk

Слайд 10Ten little Indians (song)

Ten little Indians (song)

Слайд 11

1 person : “I’m going to the ”Thanksgiving Dinner and

I have a …(turkey) with me.
2 person: “I’m going

to the ”Thanksgiving Dinner and I have a turkey and …(a pumpkin) with me”.
1 person : “I’m going to the ”Thanksgiving Dinner and I have a …(turkey) with me. 2

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