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Презентация к уроку английского языка "Живопись" 10 класс


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме «Живопись» (10 класс,

УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой)
Выполнена учителем английского языка МОУ «Западнодвинская

СОШ № 1» Ивановой Ириной Евгеньевной
Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме «Живопись»  (10 класс, УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой)Выполнена учителем

Слайд 2Painting


Слайд 3 “There is nothing but art. Art is living. To attempt

to give an object of art life by dwelling on

its historical, cultural or archaeological association is senseless…”
(W. Somerset Maugham
“The Summing Up”)
“There is nothing but art. Art is living. To attempt to give an object of art life

Слайд 4Styles of Painting Put the letters in correct order

Styles of Painting Put the letters in correct orderLireasmResurlismBicusmCorocoMancismrotiCtstraabThgoicPresnismioex

Слайд 5Keys:


Слайд 6Guess what style it is
It’s the art that doesn’t represent

recognizable objects.
It promotes accurate, detailed depiction of nature or

contemporary life. It rejects imaginative idealization in favour of close observation.
It’s the conception of art as imitation of nature. Its subject included landscapes, tress, houses, street scenes. The artists paid attention to effects of light and movement.
The key concept of this style is that essence of the object can only be shown from different points of view at once. Its works reject perspective in favour of geometric forms.
The art in which common objects (such as comic strips, soup cans, road signs, and hamburgers) were used as subject matter.
Guess what style it isIt’s the art that doesn’t represent recognizable objects. It promotes accurate, detailed depiction

Слайд 7Keys:
Pop Art

Keys:AbstractRealismImpressionismCubismPop Art

Слайд 8“The Rooks Have Come” “Lilacs” “Flora” “At Madam Jenoa’s Café” “Madonna Benois” “Rye” “Artist’s Studio” “Remember!”

“The Rooks Have Come” “Lilacs” “Flora” “At Madam Jenoa’s Café” “Madonna Benois” “Rye” “Artist’s Studio” “Remember!”

Слайд 9Match the paintings and the artists
“The Rooks Have Come”
“At Madam

Jenoa’s Café”
“Madonna Benois”
“Artist’s Studio”
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Ivan Shishkin
c) Rembrandt

van Rijn
d) Henri Matisse
e) Alexei Savrasov
f) Paul Gauguin
g) Michail Vrubel
h) Nikolay Roerich
Match the paintings and the artists“The Rooks Have Come”“Lilacs”“Flora”“At Madam Jenoa’s Caf锓Madonna Benois”“Rye”“Artist’s Studio”“Remember!” a) Leonardo da

Слайд 10Keys:
“The Rooks Have Come” “Lilacs” “Flora” “At Madam Jenoa’s Café” “Madonna Benois” “Rye” “Artist’s Studio” “Remember!”
e) Alexei

g) Michail Vrubel
c) Rembrandt van Rijn
f) Paul Gauguin
a) Leonardo da

b) Ivan Shishkin
d) Henri Matisse
h) Nikolay Roerich

Keys:“The Rooks Have Come” “Lilacs” “Flora” “At Madam Jenoa’s Café” “Madonna Benois” “Rye” “Artist’s Studio” “Remember!” e)

Слайд 11Pablo Picasso “A Child with a Dove” 1901, National Gallery, London

the Blue period Picasso often had plots where the Weak

protected the Weakest. The painter saw a hope and safety and the only opportunity to survive in this severe world. A small child is holding a dove with love and care, protecting and warming it.

Pablo Picasso “A Child with a Dove” 1901, National Gallery, LondonDuring the Blue period Picasso often had

Слайд 12The Plan of the Description
The subject (what is represented in

the picture).
The composition (how the space of the picture is

The colour scheme (how different colours are handled).
The details (what details the artist introduces and how they are related to the subject).
The general impression the picture makes.

The Plan of the DescriptionThe subject (what is represented in the picture).The composition (how the space of

Слайд 13John Keats (1795 – 1821)
A thing of beauty is joy for

Its loveliness increases: it will never
Pass into nothingness…

John Keats (1795 – 1821) A thing of beauty is joy for ever:Its loveliness increases: it will

Слайд 14Thanks for Your Attention!

Thanks for Your Attention!

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