Разделы презентаций

Презентация к уроку "Кем ты хочешь быть?", 2 класс

officerdentistPut the letters in order to make words

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What Do You Want to Be?

What Do You Want to Be?

Слайд 2officer
Put the letters in order to make words

officerdentistPut the letters in order to make words

Слайд 3teacher
Put the letters in order to make words

teacherPut the letters in order to make wordsdoctor

Слайд 4
Put the letters in order to make words

economistPut the letters in order to make wordsengineer

Слайд 6Make up right sentences

Make up right sentences

Слайд 7
Hi, my name is Kitty. I am from Great

I live in London. I am ten.
I’ve got a father.

His name is Ted. He is a businessman and works in an office.
I‘ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. She is a teacher. She works at school. She loves her work very much.
I have got brothers. Their names are Dan and Ben. They are six and four.
We are a friendly family.

Underline the verb to be.

Hi, my name is Kitty. I am from Great Britain. I live in London. I am ten.I’ve

Слайд 8
Hi, my name is Kitty. I am from Great

I live in London. I am ten.
I’ve got a father.

His name is Ted. He is a businessman and works in an office.
I‘ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. She is a teacher. She works at school. She loves her work very much.
I have got brothers. Their names are Dan and Ben. They are six and four.
We are a friendly family.
Hi, my name is Kitty. I am from Great Britain. I live in London. I am ten.I’ve

Слайд 9
to be
He is a doctor.
He is not a

Is he a doctor?

They are pilots.
They are

not pilots.

Are they pilots?

Am I a pupil?

I am a pupil.

I am not a pupil.

to beamisare He is a doctor. He is not a doctor. Is he a doctor? They are

Слайд 10She is …..
Tell what they are.

She is …..Tell what they are.

Слайд 17Correct the sentences

Correct the sentences

Слайд 18She is a doctor.

She is a doctor.

Слайд 19She is a teacher.

She is a teacher.

Слайд 20He is a worker.

He is a worker.

Слайд 21He is a dentist.

He is a dentist.

Слайд 22She is a dancer.

She is a dancer.

Слайд 23He is an officer.

He is an officer.

Слайд 24She is an engineer.

She is an engineer.

Слайд 25He is a pupil.

He is a pupil.

Слайд 26GOOD LUCK!


Слайд 27Использованные ресурсы

Использованные ресурсыhttp://images.yandex.ruhttp://akartinki.narod.ruhttp://animashki.org

Слайд 28Автор презентации:
Попова Наталья Ивановна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «Средняя школа № 43»


Автор презентации:Попова Наталья Ивановна,учитель английского языкаМОУ «Средняя школа № 43»г Петрозаводск

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