Разделы презентаций

Презентация к викторине по английскому языку в 4 классе

1 тур Family 2 тур House 3 тур NumbersThemes:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Викторина по английскому языку: What do you know about


Викторина по английскому языку:   What do you know about English?

Слайд 2 1 тур Family
2 тур House

3 тур Numbers

1 тур Family  2 тур House 3 тур NumbersThemes:

Слайд 3Mother
1 тур

Mother1 тур

Слайд 4Father


Слайд 5Daughter


Слайд 7Brothers


Слайд 8Grand- mother

Grand- mother

Слайд 9Grand- father

Grand- father

Слайд 10a grandmother
a mother
an uncle
a daughter
a brother
a son
a sister
a grandfather
a father

Match the pairs

a grandmothera motheran unclea daughtera brothera sona sistera grandfathera fatheran auntMatch the pairs

Слайд 11Grandmother, brother, sister, cat

Mother, grandfather, black, father
Father, school, mother, sister
Brother, pet, family, grandmother

grandmother, son, café
Uncle, park, grandfather, brother

Find the odd one out

Grandmother, brother, sister, cat       Mother, grandfather, black, fatherFather, school, mother, sisterBrother,

Слайд 12

2 тур

Hall   2 тур

Слайд 13



Слайд 14Living room

Living room

Слайд 15Bedroom


Слайд 16Bathroom


Слайд 20There is - (singular) ед. число
ex: There is a cat

in the picture.

There are – (plural) мн. число.
ex: There

are two children in the picture.

There is - (singular) ед. числоex: There is a cat in the picture. There are – (plural)

Слайд 211. There _____bedrooms in the house.
2. There ______doors in the

3. There _____ no windows in the hall.
4. There ____

a kitchen in the house.
5. There ____ a living room in the house.
6. There ____ a pantry in the house.
7. There ___ a lot of windows in the house.

1. There _____bedrooms in the house.2. There ______doors in the hall.3. There _____ no windows in the

Слайд 22Количественные числительные
3 тур

Количественные числительные3 тур

Слайд 23 20 + 10=             
10 + 60 = 
 18 + 51 =          

+ 22=            
23 + 42= =                 
 12 + 45=

61 + 27 =   
 20 + 10=              10 + 60 =  18 + 51 =           37 + 22=             23 + 42= =

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