Разделы презентаций

Презентация по английскому языку "Мое свободное время" (6 класс)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Free time

Free time

Слайд 3[ai] – spare time, pastime, hiking, mountain climbing,
[ei] -

skating, take, place, reindeer-sled, racer
[a:] - part , archery, are,

parks, darts, marbles
[ŋ] – skiing, ice-skating, backpacking, canoeing, reading, going
[ai] – spare time, pastime, hiking, mountain climbing, [ei] - skating, take, place, reindeer-sled, racer[a:] - part

Слайд 4Read the title, look at the pictures and guess what

is the text about.
What is the type of the

What are the people in the pictures doing?
Read and check.

Read the title, look at the pictures and guess what is the text about. What is the

Слайд 5Fill in the gaps

Fill in the gapstoisareandinthe

Слайд 6Read the text again and mark the statements True (T),

False (F)

Read the text again and mark the statements True (T), False (F)  TFFFT

Слайд 8Discuss in groups.
Which are the Russians' favourite leisure activities?
What are

the favourite leisure activities of the people where you live?

do you do in your free time?

Discuss in groups. Which are the Russians' favourite leisure activities?What are the favourite leisure activities of the people

Слайд 9Work in groups.
Carry out a survey. Make a graph.

1st group: Favourite free time activities.
The 2nd group: Active and

passive free time activities.
The 3rd group: Favourite free time activities of your families.
Most of my classmates like … Some of them are fond of … The others like …
Work in groups. Carry out a survey. Make a graph.The 1st group: Favourite free time activities.The 2nd

Слайд 11Count your score.
18-19 points – «5»,
14-17 points – «4»,

10-13 points – «3»,
Less than 10 points –


Count your score.18-19 points – «5», 14-17 points – «4», 10-13 points – «3»,  Less than

Слайд 13Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

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