Разделы презентаций

Profession of the president

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Presentation about profession of the president

by schoolgirl 11 classes

school 41
Gavrina Viktoriya

Presentation about profession of the president  by schoolgirl 11 classes of school 41Gavrina Viktoriya

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

The president is the first person in country.

The president is the first person in country.

Слайд 4The president’s place of work is all coutry.

In Kazan
In Irkutsk

But he spend a lot of time in his president’s

The president’s place of work is all coutry.In KazanIn IrkutskIn SmolenskBut he spend a lot of time

Слайд 5
The president works 24 hours a day.
But sometimes he has


The president works 24 hours a day.But sometimes he has holidays.

Слайд 6

The president well earns.

The president well earns.

Слайд 7The president should be clever, assured, charismatic and positive

The president should be clever, assured, charismatic and positive

Слайд 8
The president is the famosed person in the country. Everybody

know his and he knows everybody.

The president is the famosed person in the country. Everybody know his and he knows everybody.

Слайд 9




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