Разделы презентаций


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Professions


Слайд 2a doctor

a doctor

Слайд 3a pilot

a pilot

Слайд 4a dentist

a dentist

Слайд 5an engineer

an engineer

Слайд 6a nurse

a nurse

Слайд 7a sailor

a sailor

Слайд 8a teacher

a teacher

Слайд 9an artist

an artist

Слайд 10a singer

a singer

Слайд 11a driver

a driver

Слайд 12a worker

a worker

Слайд 13a housewife

a housewife

Слайд 14a dancer

a dancer

Слайд 15a builder

a builder

Слайд 16an officer

an officer

Слайд 17a player

a player

Слайд 18What do you want to be?

What do you want to be?

Слайд 19
to be
He is a doctor.
He is not a

Is he a doctor?

They are pilots.
They are

not pilots.

Are they pilots?

Am I a pupil?

I am a pupil.

I am not a pupil.

to beamisare He is a doctor. He is not a doctor. Is he a doctor? They are

Слайд 20Let’s do some exercises!

Let’s do some exercises!

Слайд 21
1. I am a dancer.

2. He is not a runner.

We are singers.
4. Am I a builder?
5. I am

not a teacher.

6. She is not an artist.

7. Are you a driver?

8. They are not swimmers.

1. I am a dancer.2. He is not a runner.3. We are singers. 4. Am I a

Слайд 22


Слайд 23It’s time to have a rest!

It’s time to have a rest!

Слайд 25Good morning,
Boys and Girls!
My name is Paul. I’m

8. I’m from Great Britain.
I want to tell you about

my Mummy!

Good morning, Boys and Girls! My name is Paul. I’m 8. I’m from Great Britain.I want to

Слайд 26Text 1
Find the mistakes

My Mummy is from Canada.
Her name is Jane.
She has got

two children, two daughters.
She likes to run and jump.
The children like to swim.
She is a singer.

1. My Mummy is from Great Britain.

2. Her name is Gloria.

3. She has got three children, three sons.

4. She likes to sing and dance.

5. The children like to sing and dance, too.

6. She is a doctor.

Text 1   Find the mistakes   (Найти ошибку):My Mummy is from Canada.Her name is

Слайд 27Good morning, Boys and Girls!
My name is Karen. I’m

7. I’m from Africa.
I want to tell you about my


Good morning, Boys and Girls! My name is Karen. I’m 7. I’m from Africa.I want to tell

Слайд 28 Complete the sentences (Закончи предложения):
My Mummy is

from …
Her name is ….
She has got … children.
She …..…

them all.
She is a …
She likes to ........ and …
She is ...

Text 2.







Complete the sentences (Закончи предложения):My Mummy is from …Her name is ….She has got

Слайд 29Home task
(домашнее задание):

P. 61, ex.11 (Стр. 61, упр. 11)

Home task (домашнее задание):P. 61, ex.11 (Стр. 61, упр. 11)

Слайд 30Let’s sing a song!
I Am a Pupil
I am a pupil,

is a pupil,
She is a pupil, too.
I am not

a dentist,
I am a pupil
And I like you.
Let’s sing a song!I Am a PupilI am a pupil,He is a pupil,She is a pupil, too.


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