Слайд 2Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was born on August 4th,
1900 as a daughter of Sir Claude George Bowes-Lyon 14th
Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne (1855-1944) and Nina Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck (1862-1938). Six weeks later her father gave notice of the birth of his daughter at the registrar’s office, much too late. The place of birth he gave the registrar’s office was St Paul’s Walden Bury, not far from London, but as he was in Scotland at the time of the birth he didn’t know for sure. Another story tells the little lady Elizabeth was born in an ambulance on the way to a hospital in London
Слайд 3Elizabeth was the 9th of ten children. Her oldest sister
Violet (1882) had already died in 1893. The others were
Mary (1883-1961), Patrick (1884-1949), John Herbert (1886-1930) – who’s daughter Anne married secondly in 1950 to Prince George of Denmark – Alexander Francis (1887-1911), Fergus (1889-1915), Rose (1890-1967), Michael (1893-1953) and the Benjamin David (1902-1961). The family spent most of the year in St Paul’s Walden Bury, but in the summer they moved to the old family property Glamis Castle, Scotland. For that time the Bowes-Lyon children received a very modern upbringing.
Слайд 4Life became more serious when in 1914 the World War
started. In 1915 Elizabeth lost her brother Fergus, who was
killed in action. Elizabeth herself helped nursing the wounded soldiers who were brought to Glamis Castle. She wrote letters for them and went shopping to get what they wanted. After the war the young woman started going to parties and enjoyed dancing
And on a bal at Glamis Castle given by her parents in September 1920 she met the 24-year-old Duke of York, second son of King George V of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prince Albert (Bertie) fell in love immediately, but it took him almost three years and several proposals before she promised to marry him. They married in Westminster Abbey, London, on April 26th, 1923. They settled down in White Lodge, in the park behind Buckingham Palace. Almost three year later, on April 21th, 1926, their first daughter Elizabeth was born. She was followed on August 21th, 1930, by Margaret
Слайд 6When on January 20th, 1936, Prince Bertie’s father died, his
older brother David ascended the British throne as King Edward
VIII. Already on December 10th of the same year Edward abdicated so that he could marry the love of his life, Wallis Warfield, who had been divorced twice already. Totally unexpected Bertie ascended the throne as King George VI and Elizabeth became a Queen. They were crowned at Westminster Abbey on May 12th, 1937.
Слайд 7It was very appreciated by the people that the royal
family stayed in Great Britain during World War II. The
children were brought to Windsor Castle. The King and Queen spent lots of time in London although even their residence Buckingham Palace was hit by German bombs. Queen Elizabeth said that she would never let the children go without her, she wouldn’t go without the King and of course the King didn’t go. The royal couple often visited bombed areas and sympathized with the people. When the war was finally over, on May 8th, 1945, the whole family appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and were cheered by thousands of people
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