Разделы презентаций

"Рождество в Британии"

Vocabularypastrydelicious gravya jar of mincemeata rolling pinto cut out circlesto hang up stockingsbrussel sproutsChristmas Eveto put on glovesto put a pie in a hot oven

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 «Merry Christmas!» Рождество в Англии.

«Merry Christmas!»  Рождество в Англии.

Слайд 2Vocabulary
delicious gravy
a jar of mincemeat
a rolling pin
to cut out circles

hang up stockings
brussel sprouts
Christmas Eve
to put on gloves
to put a

pie in a hot oven

Vocabularypastrydelicious gravya jar of mincemeata rolling pinto cut out circlesto hang up stockingsbrussel sproutsChristmas Eveto put on

Слайд 3Match
1) an Advent calendar a) украшения

a Christmas tree b)рожд.хлопушка

3) a Christmas card с) рожд.ель
4) a mince pie d) подарки
5) Father Christmas e) дед мороз
6) decorations f) рожд.пуддинг
7) presents g ) рожд.открытка
8) a Christmas cracker e)сладк. пирожок
9) a Christmas pudding f)рожд.календарь

Match1) an Advent calendar   a) украшения  2) a Christmas tree

Слайд 4True or False?
1) British people starts celebrating Christmas on the

1st of December.
2) Sally writes a letter to her parents.

Children get a Christmas card from Auntie.
4) Sally helps her mother to cook.
5) They have a Christmas lunch at 3 oꞌclock.
6) Jack has got a red hat and a joke in his cracker.
True or False?1) British people starts celebrating Christmas on the 1st of December.2) Sally writes a letter

Слайд 5Questions
1) How old is Sally?
2) When is Christmas Eve?
3) How

much time do you need to bake mince pies?
4) What

dishes are there on Christmas dinner?
5) Do British like Christmas?
Questions1) How old is Sally?2) When is Christmas Eve?3) How much time do you need to bake

Слайд 6Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year!

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