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Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick the foremost  Patron saint of Ireland.

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Слайд 1MARCH 17

Saint Patrick’s Day

MARCH 17Saint Patrick’s Day

Слайд 2Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a

cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional

death date of Saint Patrick the foremost  Patron saint of Ireland.
Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17

Слайд 3Saint Patrick, under the legend, has brought Christianity on Pagan

Island and rid Ireland of snakes.

Saint Patrick, under the legend, has brought Christianity on Pagan Island and rid Ireland of snakes.

Слайд 4St. Patrick’s Day parades have become a serious way of

celebrating the occasion with concerts, parties and Irish music all

over the world. People eat Irish food and/or green foods, drink traditional Irish beverages.
St. Patrick’s Day parades have become a serious way of celebrating the occasion with concerts, parties and

Слайд 5Shamrock


Слайд 6 The most common St Patrick's Day symbol is the

shamrock. The shamrock is the leaf of the clover plant

and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. For centuries, people have collected rare four-leaf clovers for luck. Four-leaf clovers are hard to find, and that is why, finding one is supposed to bring extra luck to a person's life. Old legends state that each clover represents a spiritual helper.

The most common St Patrick's Day symbol is the shamrock. The shamrock is the leaf of

Слайд 7People usually wear green suits and decorate them with shamrocks.

People usually wear green suits and decorate them with shamrocks.

Слайд 8


Слайд 9Another Irish-related symbol seen on St Patrick’s Day is a

leprechaun. It is a mythological creature known as a magical

dwarf who have been in Irish tales and myths for years. Old stories tell the tale of the leprechaun who is a shoemaker and keeps a pot of gold hidden.


Another Irish-related symbol seen on St Patrick’s Day is a leprechaun. It is a mythological creature known

Слайд 10Many people choose the green color and the flag of

the Republic of Ireland to use it in their extravagant

Many people choose the green color and the flag of the Republic of Ireland to use it

Слайд 12Delay – is a traditional musical instrument on Saint Patrick’s


Delay – is a traditional musical instrument on Saint Patrick’s Day.DELAY

Слайд 13St. Patrick's Day is here, you see. We'll pick some shamrocks,

one, two, three. We'll count the leaves and look them over, And

maybe find a four-leafed clover. I'll sew green buttons on my vest, Green for St. Patrick is the best. I'll wear a green hat, very high, And dance a jig--at least I'll try!

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is here, you see. We'll pick some shamrocks, one, two, three. We'll count the

Слайд 14The end

The end

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