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School life. My life at the lyceum. Grade 10

[ ju:] student [ ju ] vocabulary [u:] group

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Grade 10
Lyceum life

Grade 10Lyceum life

Слайд 2[ ju:] student [ ju ] vocabulary [u:] group

[ ju:] student [ ju ] vocabulary  [u:]   group

Слайд 3
Make up different types of questions with the active

vocabulary using can, could, will be able to:
1 group-

general questions : Will you be able to develop speaking skills if you work hard?
2 group – special questions: How can you catch up with the group if you skip classes?
3 group – questions to the subject: Who can speak English fluently in your group?
4 group – disjunctive questions: You could participate in extra-curricular activities at school, couldn’t you?

Make up different types of questions with the active vocabulary using can, could, will be able

Слайд 4


Describe 1

person from your group without saying
her/his name. Use the active

vocabulary .

Model: This pupil can skip classes.
One does well in English//doesn’t do
well in English.

Be ready to say whether it’s a diligent pupil
a careless pupil
an active pupil

. Describe 1 person from your group without sayingher/his name.

Слайд 5

Ask questions as if you were pupils

from the local schools

pupils from other countries

Model: Were the entrance exams difficult?
What is at your disposal?
Do you wear uniform?

Ask questions as if you were pupils from the local schools

Слайд 6Answer the following questions:

Did the lyceum help Julia in

her life? What did it give her?
Is Denis satisfied with

his studies?
What does Alexandra want to get from the lyceum?
Answer the following questions: Did the lyceum help Julia in her life? What did it give her?Is

Слайд 7

Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the appropriate form

and tense. Read and translate the dialogue.
Ann: Hi, Bill! Nice

to meet you again. You ( not to change) since I (to see) you last.
You haven’t changed since I saw you last.
Bill: Hello, Ann! I ( to be) glad to see you, too. You (to be) even more beautiful than three years ago.
Ann: Thanks, friend. You are a real gentleman like at college. By the way, you (to remember) your first day at college? You (to come) up to me and asked if you (can) take a seat next to me?
Bill: Of course, I do. I (to be) a little scared. I (not to know) anybody and you didn`t look scared at all.
Ann: Oh, yes. I (to have) some friends among our classmates and I (to know) our tutor. But you are mistaken. I was curious. I (to expect) something unusual from college. I also wished to make new friends.
Bill: And I (to want) to get profound knowledge. I was at a loss when it (to come) to my English. I attended all the classes, worked hard but I still (to make) little progress in it.
Ann: Yes, I remember how you couldn’t understand fluent speech. You overcame all the difficulties and( improve) your Grammar. And you (to see) our first teacher lately?
Bill: Yes, I (to meet) her yesterday in the shop. We were so glad to see each other. She invited me for tea tomorrow. You ( to join) me?
Ann: Of course, I will.
Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the appropriate form and tense. Read and translate the dialogue.Ann:

Слайд 8Check yourself with the key:

Ann: Hi, Bill! Nice to meet

you again. You haven`t changed since I saw you last.

Hello, Ann! I am glad to see you, too. You are even more beautiful than three years ago.
Ann: Thanks, friend. You are a real gentleman like at college. By the way, do you remember your first day at college? You came up to me and asked if you could take a seat next to me?
Bill: Of course, I do. I was a little scared. I didn`t know anybody and you didn`t look scared at all.
Ann: Oh, yes. I had some friends among our classmates and I knew our tutor. But you are mistaken. I was curious. I expected something unusual from college. I also wished to make new friends.
Bill: And I wanted to get profound knowledge. I was at a loss when it came to my English. I attended all the classes, worked hard but I still made little progress in it.
Ann: Yes, I remember how you couldn’t understand fluent speech. You overcame all the difficulties and improved your Grammar. And have you seen our first teacher lately?
Bill: Yes, I met her yesterday in the shop. We were so glad to see each other. She invited me for tea tomorrow. Will you join me?
Ann: Of course, I will.

Check yourself with the key:Ann: Hi, Bill! Nice to meet you again. You haven`t changed since I

Слайд 9Answer the following questions: - What are the advantages of the

lyceum? - What can a modern pupil get at this establishment? Model:

In my opinion everybody can get profound knowledge at the lyceum.
Answer the following questions: - What are the advantages of the lyceum? - What can a modern

Слайд 10Home assignment
1. Write a letter to Alexandra and give her

pieces of advice:
how to improve English;
tell her about the

benefits of studying at the lyceum
2. A. Nesvit Ex. 9, p. 223

Home assignment1. Write a letter to Alexandra and give her pieces of advice: how to improve English;tell

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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