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Strawberry festival 5 класс

The Florida Strawberry Festival was born in the 1930s when the newly organized Plant City Lions Club had the idea to unite communities through the celebration of the strawberry

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STRAWBERRY FESTIVALАвтор:ПогодинаНаталияВладиславовна

Слайд 3 The Florida Strawberry Festival was born in the

1930s when the newly organized Plant City Lions Club had

the idea to unite communities through the celebration of the strawberry harvest. The Lions Club and other civic organizations have participated in the festival throughout its long history. 

The Florida Strawberry Festival was born in the 1930s when the newly organized Plant City

Слайд 4Now "The Florida Strawberry Festival Association" is governed by a

board of directors from the local community and a small

staff who work year round to make the Strawberry Festival one of the top 30 of such events in North.

Слайд 5The festival celebrates the area's biggest crop and typically includes

all things made with strawberry.

The festival celebrates the area's biggest crop and typically includes all things made with strawberry.

Слайд 6You can find here agricultural shows, fun contests, rides, parades,

great country entertainment and strawberry delights in one place at

an affordable price.
You can find here agricultural shows, fun contests, rides, parades, great country entertainment and strawberry delights in

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