Разделы презентаций

Summer Holidays 5 класс

Past SimpleSpend – spentPlay - playedRead - readTake - tookSwim - swamMiss - missedLie - layPick - pickedGo - wentTravel - traveledRide

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Past Simple
Spend – spent
Play - played
Read -

Take - took
Swim - swam
Miss - missed

- lay
Pick - picked
Go - went
Travel - traveled

Ride - rode
Gather - gathered
Spend – spent
Take - took
Make - made

Past SimpleSpend – spentPlay  - playedRead  - readTake  - tookSwim - swamMiss -

Слайд 3Контроль «Past Simple»
«5» - 0 ошибок
«4» - 1 ошибка
«3» -2

«2» - 3 и более ошибок

Контроль «Past Simple»«5» - 0 ошибок«4» - 1 ошибка«3» -2 ошибки«2» - 3 и более ошибок

Слайд 4Match the columns
1. to spend the holidays
2. to miss the

3. to play computer games
4. to be in the camp

to travel by bus
6. to go to the seaside
7. to take the photos
8. to pick flowers and berries

2 f
3 g
4 b
5 a
6 c
7 d
8 h

Match the columns1. to spend the holidays2. to miss the parents3. to play computer games4. to be

Слайд 5Контроль «Match the columns»
«5» - 0 ошибок
«4» -1- 2 ошибки

- 3-4 ошибки
«2» - 5 и более

Контроль «Match the columns»«5» - 0 ошибок«4» -1- 2 ошибки«3» - 3-4 ошибки«2» - 5 и более

Слайд 6 What did you do in summer?

What did you do in summer?

Слайд 7In summer I stayed at home and I…

In summer I stayed at home and I…

Слайд 8I spent my summer holidays in the country and I…

I spent my summer holidays in the country and I…

Слайд 9In summer I traveled by…

In summer I traveled by…

Слайд 10 traveled by …

traveled by …

Слайд 11I traveled about my country and I…

I traveled about my country and I…

Слайд 12Домашнее задание

Домашнее задание

Слайд 13When you travel abroad or about the country, you can…

When you travel abroad or about the country, you can…

Слайд 14If you go to the countryside

If you go to the countryside

Слайд 15I spent my summer holidays at home and I…

I spent my summer holidays at home and I…

Слайд 16In the country I…

In the country I…

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