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The cuisine of the United States.

Day begins with a cup of coffee or juice and flakes with milk or toasts and wafers with jam or peanut butter

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The cuisine of the United States. American cuisine — is

various styles of cooking in the USA. American cuisine -

mixed up with some culinary traditions of the American Indians and immigrant cultures

The cuisine of the United States.   American cuisine — is various styles of cooking in

Слайд 2Day begins with a cup of coffee or juice and flakes

with milk or toasts and wafers with jam or peanut


Day begins with a cup of coffee or juice and flakes with milk or toasts and wafers

Слайд 3For a breakfast and a lunch with cooking of especially

don't trouble. Sandwich - the most popular version of a

house lunch. Still it can be salad. They drink Coca-cola or Ice-tea

For a breakfast and a lunch with cooking of especially don't trouble. Sandwich - the most popular

Слайд 4For a supper to prepare a barbecue from beef on a

grill, chicken meat or pork with sauces and spice

For a supper to prepare a barbecue from beef on a grill, chicken meat or pork with

Слайд 5Americans very love apple-pies, donuts and fast-food. Because some American

people is fat.

Americans very love apple-pies, donuts and fast-food. Because some American people is fat.

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