Разделы презентаций


Washington D.C. and New-York are situated on the east coast of the USA. They are washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The USA.
The symbol of the USA is the bold Eagle

The flag of the USA -Stars and Stripes .

The USA.The symbol of the USA is the bold Eagle The flag of the USA -Stars and

Слайд 2Washington D.C. and New-York are situated on the east coast

of the USA. They are washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Washington D.C. and New-York are situated on the east coast of the USA. They are washed by

Слайд 3The White House
It is the place where the President of

the USA lives and works.
It has 123 rooms.
It is

located in Washington D.C., the capital of the USA.
It was built in 1792-1800 on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The White HouseIt is the place where the President of the USA lives and works. It has

Слайд 4St.Paul's and Peter's Cathedral.
Washington D.C.

St.Paul's and Peter's Cathedral. Washington D.C.

Слайд 5The Capitol.-Капитолий.
It is a place where American laws are made.

The Capitol.-Капитолий.It is a place where American laws are made.

Слайд 6The main sights of New-York.
The Statue of Liberty is situated

on Manhattan Island in New- York .
It was given

to the USA by France in 1886.
The main sights of New-York.The Statue of Liberty is situated on Manhattan Island in New- York .

Слайд 7New-York
A monument to George Washington, the first American president.

New-YorkA monument to George Washington, the first American president.

Слайд 8Time Square

Time Square

Слайд 10Golden Gate in San-Francisco

Golden Gate in San-Francisco

Слайд 11The Twin Towers
They were destroyed by terrorists on the

11-th of September, 2001 .

The Twin Towers They were destroyed by terrorists on the 11-th of September, 2001 .

Слайд 12Broadway
The longest street in the world, famous for its theatres.

BroadwayThe longest street in the world, famous for its theatres.

Слайд 13Wall Street Stock Exchange.

Wall Street Stock Exchange.

Слайд 14Central park.
the Fifth Avenue

Central park.the Fifth Avenue


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