Разделы презентаций

The Heaven’s Debates The USA

The Standard of living

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Heaven’s Debates

The Heaven’s DebatesThe USA

Слайд 2The Standard of living

The Standard  of  living

Слайд 3The Daemonic reality
In 2012, 15.1 percent of all

people lived
in poverty.
The poverty rate in 2012 was

the highest poverty rate since 1993.
The  Daemonic  realityIn 2012, 15.1 percent of all people lived in poverty. The poverty rate

Слайд 4Culture


Слайд 5America is the country of different views, different religions, different

people and different CULTURES
The Angel’s version

America is the country of different views, different religions, different people and different CULTURESThe Angel’s  version

Слайд 8Education
America is the country of abilities

EducationAmerica is the country of abilities

Слайд 9Ha-ha-ha from the hell

Ha-ha-ha from the hell

Слайд 10Way of life or humanity

Way of life or humanity

Слайд 11Life is good

Life is good

Слайд 12Not Better, not worse, just different

Not Better, not worse, just different

Слайд 13Lili korotkova
Valeriya Nikolaeva
What does the fox say?

Lili korotkovaValeriya NikolaevaWhat does the fox say?

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