"СОШ № 19"
Автор: Баталина Наталья
Руководитель: Сидорова Е.В. учитель английского языка"The problem of homeless animals"
"The problem of homeless animals"
Riddles of an origin.
Classification of breeds
The basic preventive actions are:
Dialogue between people and animals.
My person will not
tolerate to laugh
loudly at while training
whatever nonsense I do.
My right is to protect
myself and my property
with different methods.
My right - to protect
my territory at intrusion
of other animals without my consent.
I have the right to safety
at my territory
and I have the right to protect
my things from
unreasonable inspection.
It is not necessary to shift
me from my place
during the rest without
the sufficient bases on that.
Under no circumstances
I should not be punished
by impact, otherwise I have
the right to start scratching and biting.
I warn all people from a mistake:
it is impossible to drag me
for a tail or imprudently sit on me and also
not to push me when you go near me.
At rendering of resistance by me on all items
it is impossible to anything that can
harm me.
Don’t forbid me to steel some food
from different shops and don’t forget
to give me meat, fish, milk and so on.
People must take care of us
and love us
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