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The role of television in our life 8 класс

TV plays a great role in the life of a modern man

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The role of television in our life
Учитель английского языка

«Гимназия № 19»
города Казань
Республики Татарстан
Ахмадиева Сания Зинатулловна

The role of television in our lifeУчитель английского языка МАОУ «Гимназия № 19»города КазаньРеспублики ТатарстанАхмадиева Сания Зинатулловна

Слайд 2TV plays a great role in the life of a

modern man

TV plays a great role in the life of a modern man

Слайд 3TV suggests various programs: talk and game shows, news, sporting

events, about animals and foreign countries, all kinds of films

and so on.

TV suggests various programs: talk and game shows, news, sporting events, about animals and foreign countries, all

Слайд 4It provides programs for all interests.

It provides programs for all interests.

Слайд 5

It makes us educated people.

It makes us educated people.

Слайд 6

Bad for health
Takes too much time

Bad for health Takes too much time

Слайд 7

Answer the questions using the following phrases:

to keep people well

informed in current events at home and abroad
to watch programs

on 3 channels
to excite somebody’s interest
to be bored and tired
to waste time
to be interested in
to be worth seeing
to make the viewers laugh
Answer the questions using the following phrases:to keep people well informed in current events at home and

Слайд 8

The proverbs:

Business before pleasure.
Enough is as good as

a feast.
Art is long, life is short.
Lost time

is never found again.
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
A wonder lasts but nine days.
Deeds not words.
He who pleased everybody died before he was born.
The proverbs:Business before pleasure. Enough is as good as a feast. Art is long, life is

Слайд 9

TV nowadays…
What is it? What’s your opinion?

TV nowadays…What is it? What’s your opinion?

Слайд 10

Ask your friends about…

Ask your friends about…

Слайд 11

The expressions:

I'm exactly of the same opinion.
I can't help thinking

the same.
As a matter of fact, I don't agree.
I'm not

sure, in fact. .
I'm not at all convinced.
I'm afraid I entirely disagree with ...
That's not my way of looking at it.
I agree with you up to a point/ in a sense/ in a way, but ...
I see what you mean, but ...
There's some truth in what you say. However, ...
From my point of view / viewpoint...
(Personally,) I feel ...
As far as I'm concerned, ...
In my view/opinion ..
To my way of thinking, ...
The expressions:I'm exactly of the same opinion.I can't help thinking the same.As a matter of fact, I

Слайд 12

The End!
Thank you for your attention!

The End!Thank you for your attention!

Слайд 13

Список использованных материалов:

Учебник «English», 8 класс. Автор: Богородицкая В.Н. ,

Хрусталева Л.В. Издательство: Версия (стр. 58) – список выражений

- английские пословицы
Список опорных выражений: Учебник английского языка для 8 классов. Кузовлев В.П. и др., стр. 131, таблица № 2
Изображение на слайде №2: http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/blogs/6a00d8341bf67c53ef015393e6b922970b-800wi.jpg
Изображения на слайде №3: http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02633/btsport_2633636b.jpg http://www.case.edu/magazine/fallwinter2010/images/gameshow.png
Изображения на слайде №4:
Изображение на слайде №5: http://videojournalismonline.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/thebusinessdesk-tv.jpg
Изображение на слайде №6: http://tarelka-tv.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/nino-y-television.jpg
Список использованных материалов:Учебник «English», 8 класс. Автор: Богородицкая В.Н. , Хрусталева Л.В. Издательство: Версия (стр. 58) –

Слайд 14

Изображения на слайде №9: http://assets.hardwarezone.com/img/2011/10/IMG_7750.jpg
Изображения на слайде №10:

Изображения на слайде №9: http://assets.hardwarezone.com/img/2011/10/IMG_7750.jpghttp://researchonmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/tv_addiction2_best_part.jpgИзображения на слайде №10: http://www.thecleanslate.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/tv-addiction.jpg http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/ioniannews.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/f/9a/f9abc0e8-0379-11e2-90b9-001a4bcf6878/505ba57f90cb0.preview-300.jpghttp://ak4.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2183941/preview/stock-footage-two-happy-female-friends-eating-popcorn-and-watching-tv.jpg

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