Разделы презентаций

The Russian Federation

The Goal

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation.

Слайд 2The Goal

The Goal

Слайд 3Territory
Its area is about 17 million square kilometers
It covers

the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of

. Russia is washed by the seas of the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic oceans
TerritoryIts area is about 17 million square kilometers It covers the eastern part of Europe and the

Слайд 4Poets and writers
A.S. Pushkin
F.M. Dostoevskiy,
A. Solgzhenitsin

Poets and writersA.S. Pushkin F.M. Dostoevskiy, A. Solgzhenitsin

Слайд 5Nobel Prize
Pyotr Kapiza won the Nobel Prize

in Physics (in 1978)

Nobel Prize   Pyotr Kapiza won the Nobel Prize in Physics (in 1978) A.Sakharov(1975) M.Gorbachev(1990)

Слайд 6resources

resources CoalOres OilGasGold

Слайд 7Baikal
it contains 1/5 of the earth’s fresh water

Baikal it contains 1/5 of the earth’s fresh water

Слайд 8The President D. Medvedev

The President D. Medvedev

Слайд 9 The capital Moscow

The capital Moscow

Слайд 10The Tzar-Bell and The Tzar-Cannon

The Tzar-Bell and The Tzar-Cannon

Слайд 11St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral

Слайд 12The result
My work proves Russia will be a world leader

thanks to national resources, cultural and scientific achievements and people’s


The resultMy work proves Russia will be a world leader thanks to national resources, cultural and scientific

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