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The tower of London 7 класс

New wordsDate back from/to – датируется отCastle - замокSituated - расположенFortress - крепостьPrison - тюрьмаRaven - воронBeefeater – стражник Tower of londonTake care of- ухаживать Feeding - кормлениеGuard – страж, охранник

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The tower of London
УМК “Английский в фокусе”, 7 класс.

The tower of LondonУМК “Английский в фокусе”, 7 класс.

Слайд 2New words
Date back from/to – датируется от
Castle - замок
Situated -

Fortress - крепость
Prison - тюрьма
Raven - ворон
Beefeater – стражник Tower

of london
Take care of- ухаживать
Feeding - кормление
Guard – страж, охранник
Look after - присматривать
Crown jewels – королевские сокровища
New wordsDate back from/to – датируется отCastle - замокSituated - расположенFortress - крепостьPrison - тюрьмаRaven - воронBeefeater

Слайд 3      The Tower of London is an old castle, situated in

the City on the banks of the river Thames. It

was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it’s a museum.

The Tower
dates back
from 1066
(to the 11th

      The Tower of London is an old castle, situated in the City on the banks of the

Слайд 4The guards at the Tower of London are called Yeoman

Warders or Beefeaters (which is a nickname), they wear beautiful

traditional uniform. There are 36
Beefeaters at the Tower.


State dress

In the past they were used as bodyguards, looked after prisoners at theTower and guarded the British crown jewels. But now they are a tourist attraction , they act as guides for the tourists.

The guards at the Tower of London are called Yeoman Warders or Beefeaters (which is a nickname),

Слайд 56 ravens live on the territory of the Tower. The

legend says that, if the ravens ever fly away, the

tower will fall down and with it the British mo-narchy and kingdom. That tradition has been honored for more than 300 years.
A Yeoman Warder, or Beef-eater, has the specific role of Ravenmaster at the Tower
and takes care of their feeding and well being.

6 ravens live on the territory of the Tower. The legend says that, if the ravens ever

Слайд 6Ravens’ diet.
Ravens receive a healthy diet of a raw

meat, special biscuits, eggs and the occasional rabbit (the fur

is good for them).

Ravens’ diet. Ravens receive a healthy diet of a raw meat, special biscuits, eggs and the occasional

Слайд 7What do you know about these sights?

What do you know  about these sights?

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