Разделы презентаций

The ways to express Future

Guess the meaning My train _____at 11.45 (to leave)Look! The sky is overcasts. It _____(to rain).  Hey John! Wait a minute. I_____  a word with you. (to have)You____  the sweets on the shelf. (not/to reach)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The ways to express Future

The ways to express Future

Слайд 6Guess the meaning
My train _____at 11.45 (to leave)
Look! The

sky is overcasts. It _____(to rain).
 Hey John! Wait a

minute. I_____  a word with you. (to have)

You____  the sweets on the shelf. (not/to reach)

Guess the meaning My train _____at 11.45 (to leave)Look! The sky is overcasts. It _____(to rain).  Hey

Слайд 7Match the questions with the replies.
a. Are you free on Saturday night?                                      1. Yes,

I'm seeing her tomorrow.
b. What are your plans for the

winter holidays?               2. No, I'm leaving on Friday morning.
c. What are the arrangements for the trip tomorrow?      3. Not really. I need to study for the test.
d. Where is Lisa going? I must talk to her.                          4. She'll be back in a minute.
e. Are you going to be at  the party on Sunday?                  5. I'm going to visit my friends.
f. Do you still go out with Helen?                                        6. We're leaving at 8 a.m.


Match the questions with the replies. a. Are you free on Saturday night?                                      1. Yes, I'm seeing her tomorrow.b. What are your

Слайд 8Put the verb into the correct form: present simple, present

continuous, going to or will.
-I....................(go) to the cinema this evening.

at those clouds! It.......................(rain) 
-I'm too tired to walk home. I think I................(take) a taxi. 
-.............................(the film/begin) at 3.30 or 4.30? 
-He..............................(not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it. 
-I bought this T-shirt but it's too big. I think I...............................(return/it). 
-Who.................................(you/invite) to your birthday's party? 
-I.........................(not/go) out this evening. I..........................(stay) at home.   
-Sue.......................(come) to see us tomorrow. She.......................(travel) by train and her train …....................(arrive) at 10.15.    
-'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'I..................(have) a coffee, please. 
-(Suddenly) I've decided not to stay here any longer! Tomorrow I.........................(look) for somewhere else to stay. 
-It's a bit cold. The window is open and you decide to close it. You say: I think I....................(close) the window. 


Put the verb into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, going to or will. -I....................(go) to


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