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The wildlife of kazkahstan

Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, and covers an area of 2 million km2, being the ninth largest country in the world. The length of the country

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Слайд 2Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent,

and covers an area of 2 million km2, being the

ninth largest country in the world. The length of the country from the Altai Mountains in the east to the Caspian Sea in the west is about 3000 km from the Kyzyl Kum desert in the south to the north of the forest-steppe zone.
Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, and covers an area of 2 million

Слайд 3The country's population is only 17 million people, the rest

of the territory which is not inhabited by people -

it's endless steppes, deserts and mountains that are habitats to thousands of species of animals and birds.
The country's population is only 17 million people, the rest of the territory which is not inhabited

Слайд 4The climate in the country is mostly continental. In the

south, summer temperature is + 49 degrees, and in the

north in the winter can fall to -57 degrees. In this case, the weather in the desert often changeable and fickle.
The climate in the country is mostly continental. In the south, summer temperature is + 49 degrees,

Слайд 5Animals Nowadays there are 172 species of mammals, 490 species of

birds, 51 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, more

than 100 species of fish in modern fauna. A large amount of animals as deer, elk, antelope, Koulan, wolf, fox, cheetah, snow leopard are listed as endangered in red book.
Animals Nowadays there are 172 species of mammals, 490 species of birds, 51 species of reptiles, 12

Слайд 6Plants Flora of Kazakhstan includes 68 species of trees, 266 species

of bushes, 433 species of dwarf bushes, 2598 species of

perennial herbs, 849 species of annual herbs. Totally there are more than 6000 species of plants in Kazakhstan, 515 of them are endemic.
Plants Flora of Kazakhstan includes 68 species of trees, 266 species of bushes, 433 species of dwarf

Слайд 7Extensive water resources of Kazakhstan are distributed unevenly across the

country. There are about 8500 small and large rivers. The

caspian and aral lakes are one of the largest lakes in the world. A few large lakes are located in the desert zone - Balkhash, Alakol and Zaisan.
Extensive water resources of Kazakhstan are distributed unevenly across the country. There are about 8500 small and

Слайд 8Mountains of Kazakhstan is a favorite place of tourists around

the world. Mangystau Mountains are located near the Caspian Sea,

where is karagiye – the lowest point of kazakhstan is also located.
Mountains of Kazakhstan is a favorite place of tourists around the world. Mangystau Mountains are located near

Слайд 9Interesting facts about the nature of Kazakhstan

Interesting facts about the nature of Kazakhstan

Слайд 10

Kazakhstan is the most northern place in the world where

pink flamingos fly to. They arrive in Korgalzhyn Reserve. The

number of birds reaches to 36 thousands.
Our country takes 3rd place in the world uranium mining.
Kazakhstan is known for speaking elephant Batyr who could imitate human speech, barking dogs and other sounds. Researchers have not understood the nature of this phenomenon.
There are tulips grow in Kazakhstan, which are the ancestors of some species of tulips.

Kazakhstan is the most northern place in the world

Слайд 11True of False
19 species of animals and 23 of birds

are included in to the International Red book of rare

In the steppes herds of koulans and jeirans grase
There are no animals in the deserts
Kazakhstan is inhabited with wild birds marmots, wild sheep, the Tien shan brown bear
In Kazakhstan people don’t respect leopards
Since ancient times kazakhs have used falcon balobans as hunting birds
Koulans are not close to extinction

True of False 19 species of animals and 23 of birds are included in to the International

Слайд 12Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals.

They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live

in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса),

Слайд 13 Game “Animal experts”
-And now let’s play. OK? -Our game is called

“Animals experts”. As you know already, this is a flower.

Pass it to your neighbor and say the name of any animal. If you can’t, please pass it on and stand up. The rules of the game are: you must say the word quickly and not repeat the names. Understand?
Let’s start!

Game “Animal experts” -And now let’s play. OK? -Our game is called “Animals experts”. As you

Слайд 14The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan.
The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan is

very rich. There are wild rams, Siberian mountain goats, deer, elks, snow leopards in

mountains. There are also lynxes, squirrels, brown bears, wolves, foxes, wildboars, sables, badgers and other animals in the region.

The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan. The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan is very rich. There are wild rams, Siberian mountain goats,

Слайд 15Thank you for attention!

Thank you for   attention!

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