Разделы презентаций

The world we live in

The Earth is our Home

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 A Perfect World

A Perfect World

Слайд 2The Earth is our Home

The Earth is our Home

Слайд 3It is a wonderful world we live in

It is a wonderful world we live in

Слайд 4The World's Best Friend is You

The World's Best Friend is You

Слайд 5But now human beings are killing our planet

But now  human beings are killing our planet

Слайд 6People got used to pollute the planet

People got used to pollute the planet

Слайд 7Many species of animals and birds have disappeared . Millions

of animals die every year because man has polluted their

natural homes!!!!
Many species of animals and birds have disappeared . Millions of animals die every year because man

Слайд 8The Green World reports say that in one year the

average person throws away: 70 food cans, 34 cans of

pet food and about 70 drink cans.
The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away: 70 food cans,

Слайд 9Litter is so dangerous in the country side because it

can kill farm animals: bottles and cans cause

cuts, and the animals can eat polythene bags and die, or put their heads in theme and suffocate.
Litter is so dangerous in the country side because it can kill farm animals: bottles  and

Слайд 10The world needs a friend To love and depend on In

times of trouble… The wourld has hope yet If the children

let it And if we do it right Together we can make the world A better place Because the world's best friend Is you!
The world needs a friend  To love and depend on In times of trouble… The wourld

Слайд 11It is made by
Svetlana Oleynikova

It is made by Svetlana Oleynikova

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