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Traditions of meeting New Year in Russia 5 класс

Initially New Year in Russia was celebrated on March 1 on a Julian calendar. Since the XV century New year began since September 1, then this holiday was called literally "The

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Слайд 1Traditions of meeting New Year in Russia

Traditions of meeting New Year in Russia

Слайд 2Initially New Year in Russia was celebrated on March 1

on a Julian calendar. Since the XV century New year

began since September 1, then this holiday was called literally "The first day in a year
Initially New Year in Russia was celebrated on March 1 on a Julian calendar. Since the XV

Слайд 3And since 1700 under Peter I's decree New Year began

to be celebrated on January 1, as well as in

other European countries.
And since 1700 under Peter I's decree New Year began to be celebrated on January 1, as

Слайд 4In traditions of a meeting of New Year in Russia

such attributes as: fir-tree, New Year's table, Father Frost, fireworks,

mass celebrations.
In traditions of a meeting of New Year in Russia such attributes as: fir-tree, New Year's table,

Слайд 5The New Year tree began to be used in large

quantities in Russia only since 1936. Before the fir-tree was

forbidden by the Soviet authorities as "time remnant"
The New Year tree began to be used in large quantities in Russia only since 1936. Before

Слайд 6Then the tradition of celebration of New year in the

Kremlin, with integral began "the Kremlin fir-tree". Now New Year

trees are on a central square of each city.
Then the tradition of celebration of New year in the Kremlin, with integral began

Слайд 7. In the night of December 31 for January 1

in each family it is accepted to lay a holiday

table. As a rule, there steadily there are three components: Russian salad salad, champagne and tangerines
. In the night of December 31 for January 1 in each family it is accepted to

Слайд 8In Russia it is accepted to be seated at a

holiday table about 11 o'clock in the evening "to spend"

old year. Then practically all families watch the television address of the head of state.
In Russia it is accepted to be seated at a holiday table about 11 o'clock in the

Слайд 9. Approximately at 23 hours 55 minutes on all central

channels the president of the country acts, he sums up

some results of the expiring year and wishes good luck and good luck to all residents of the country in the coming year.
. Approximately at 23 hours 55 minutes on all central channels the president of the country acts,

Слайд 10The people preferring to celebrate New Year in a house

situation, as a rule, watch entertainment events with participation of

entertainment stars on the central TV channels. The majority of families of Russia after an entertainment go to the companies of friends to a New Year tree to the downtown. There also the favourite holiday proceeds all. This night across all Russia millions of explosions of fireworks and salutes are distributed.
The people preferring to celebrate New Year in a house situation, as a rule, watch entertainment events

Слайд 11This night it is possible to meet the people walking

in a suit of Father Frost. One more symbol of

this holiday. Father Frost together with the granddaughter Snegurochka are also invariable satellites of celebration of New Year. All festive night Russia doesn't sleep, and has fun: everywhere explosions of salutes and fireworks are distributed, the cheerful laughter of people is heard …
This night it is possible to meet the people walking in a suit of Father Frost. One

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