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Творчество М. А.Шолохова в кинематографе.

Быть может, я ошибаюсь, но когда думаешь о нелегком писательском труде, то думаешь так: пусть «строительство» затянется лишь бы созданное твоим мозгом, твоей рукой было надежно, прочно, крепко и служило бы

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Слайд 1M.A.Sholokhov and the cinematography
учитель МБОУ СОШ № 15

Рыжкова О.В.

M.A.Sholokhov and  the cinematographyВыполнила учитель МБОУ СОШ № 15 г. Ростова-на-Дону Рыжкова О.В.

Слайд 2Быть может, я ошибаюсь, но когда думаешь о нелегком писательском

труде, то думаешь так: пусть «строительство» затянется лишь бы созданное

твоим мозгом, твоей рукой было надежно, прочно, крепко и служило бы тем, для кого ты создавал, возможно дольше. М.А. Шолохов
Быть может, я ошибаюсь, но когда думаешь о нелегком писательском труде, то думаешь так: пусть «строительство» затянется

Слайд 3Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is a famous Russian novelist. He got

the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965. He is known

for writing about life and fate of the Don cossacks  during the Russian revolution, the Civil War and the collectivization. Some of his novels and stories were made into films.
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is a famous Russian novelist. He got the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965.

Слайд 4Sholokhov’s creation had a great influence on the development of

the Soviet cinema , theatre and music . Many films

were shot on his works. They are: " The Quiet Don ", " Virgin Soil Upturned" ( first screen - in 1940 , the second - in 1960-1991) , " The Fate of a Man " ((1959 ) , awarded the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in Moscow in 1959), " The Foal" (1960), " Nakhalenok " (1962 ), " When the Cossacks cry" (1963), "The Don story " (1964 ).
Sholokhov’s creation had a great influence on the development of the Soviet cinema , theatre and music

Слайд 5 1931
Duration: 91 min.
Country: USSR
Genre: drama
Directors: Ivan

Pravov, Olga Preobrazhenskaya, Mikhail Provor
Scriptwriters: Ivan Pravov, Olga Preobrazhenskaya,

Mikhail Provor, Mikhail

In 1930 when the two first books were completed, the mute version of “The Quiet Don“ was made. Mikhail Sholokhov consulted screenwriters. The movie was sounded only in 1933.

This film had a hard way to the viewers. They tried to forbid the release.

“The Quiet Don"
the mute version

1931Duration: 91 min. Country: USSR Genre: drama Directors: Ivan Pravov, Olga Preobrazhenskaya, Mikhail Provor Scriptwriters: Ivan

Слайд 6 1957
Duration: 350 min.
Country: USSR
Genre: drama /

Director: Sergey Gerasimov
Scriptwriters: Sergey Gerasimov, Mikhail Sholokhov

Yury Levitin

Mikhail Sholokhov was the first spectator of this film.
The premiere took place in October, 26, 1957 (1-2 series), in April 30, 1958 (3rd series).
It was the best film of 1958 according to the Soviet cinema-goers and critics.

Cult screen version of “The Quiet Don"

1957 Duration: 350 min. Country: USSR Genre: drama / military Director: Sergey Gerasimov Scriptwriters: Sergey Gerasimov,

Слайд 7Work on the scenario lasted from May 1955 till September

Gerasimov, film producer, decided to follow the novel precisely.

selected actors very seriously. So a young actress Elina Bystritskaya became Aksinya.
Work on the scenario lasted from May 1955 till September 1956. Gerasimov, film producer, decided to follow

Слайд 8 The other main character, Grigory, was found by chance.

It was the actor Pyotr Glebov who has come on

studio by the way, with intention to act in an episode.

On the screen you can see the hard reality of the era, full of cruelty, deadly feud , broken lives , fatal mistakes , irreparable loss.
It was at the 45th place by attendance among home films in the history of Soviet film distribution
Awards : International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary - Grand Prize " Crystal Globe " 1958
CCF in Moscow - First Prize and Best Director 1958
Diploma Directors Guild of America Best Foreign Language Film , 1958
Diplomas international exhibitions in Brussels and Mexico City , 1958
Best Film of 1958 according to Soviet movie-goers and critics.

The other main character, Grigory, was found by chance. It was the actor Pyotr Glebov who

Слайд 9“The Quiet Don". New version
Duration: 364 min.

Russia / Great Britain / Italy / the USSR

drama / history
Directors: Sergey Bondarchuk, Fedor Bondarchuk
Screenwriters: Sergey Bondarchuk, Nikola Badalukko, Robert Belchus
Composer: Luís Enrikes Bakalov

During 1989-90s an outstanding Russian director Sergey Bondarchuk worked over the last epic film “The Quiet Don" in cooperation with an Italian producer Enzo Rispoli. However, soon he declared the firm insolvent, and 160 thousand meters of the finished shooting film were forgotten for many years outside Russia.

The Russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally helped to return the movie home

The director managed to finish shooting a material and to start installation when in the 1990-s the producer sponsored film went out of business. And due to the intervention of Russian politicians it was returned home.

“The Quiet Don

Слайд 10Final television version of seven-series film was executed by Sergey's

son – Fyodor Bondarchuk. The first film-making day matched with

the beginning of putsch of 1991.

All actors speak English in the film because it was an international project.
Sergey Bondarchuk shot the movie in record time - nine and half months.

Final television version of seven-series film was executed by Sergey's son – Fyodor Bondarchuk. The first film-making

Слайд 11Task.
Fill in the gaps:
The mute version of “The quiet

Don” was produced in________.
It was the best film of 1958


3. Work on the scenario lasted from May , 1955 till____________.
4. It was at _______ place by attendance among home films in the history of Soviet film distribution.
During 1989-90 the outstanding Russian director __________ worked over the last epic film “The Quiet Don" in cooperation with an Italian producer Enzo Rispoli.
Final television version of seven-series film was executed by __________'s son – Fyodor Bondarchuk.


Task. Fill in the gaps:The mute version of “The quiet Don” was produced in________.It was the best

Слайд 12Answer the questions. 1.When did M. Sholokhov got the Nobel Prize? 2.

How many film versions of "The Quiet Don" do you

know? 3. Have you ever seen this film? 4. Did you like it? 5. What Sholokhov's novels did you read?
Answer the questions. 1.When did M. Sholokhov got the Nobel Prize? 2. How many film versions of

Слайд 13

References. 1. Бабаевский С. Страницы Михаила Шолохова. /Литература и жизнь/, 1961. 2. Гаранжин В. Вешенские были. Дон, 1966, №1. 3. Якименко Л. Творчество М.А.Шолохова. Советский писатель. М, 1970. 4.  Ermolaev, Herman. Mikhail Sholokhov and his art. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1982 5. Kjetsaa, G., Gustavsson, S., Beckman, B., Gil, S. (1984) The Authorship of “The Quiet Don”, Solum Forlag A.S., Oslo/Humanities Pres, NJ

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