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Угадай животное

Отгадай загадку!I am red and I have a fine tail, I live in the forest,I like meat.a fox

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Riddles about animals
Составила учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №5 г. Апатиты

Татьяна Владимировна

Riddles about animalsСоставила учитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ №5 г. АпатитыАбросимова Татьяна Владимировна

Слайд 2Отгадай загадку!
I am red and I have a fine tail,

I live in the forest,
I like meat.

a fox

Отгадай загадку!I am red and I have a fine tail, I live in the forest,I like meat.a

Слайд 3I can go without food
and water for a long

a camel

I can go without food and water for a long time.a camel

Слайд 4It is green and big,
It lives in the water and

likes meat.
a crocodile

It is green and big,It lives in the water and likes meat.a crocodile

Слайд 5It lives in Africa and India,
It’s very strong, and it

can lift a ton.
An elephant

It lives in Africa and India,It’s very strong, and it can lift a ton.An elephant

Слайд 6It gives us milk and butter too.
It’s very kind and

likes to moo.
A cow

It gives us milk and butter too.It’s very kind and likes to moo.A cow

Слайд 7It is small, it lives in the forest
And can run

It is afraid of everything.
A rabbit

It is small, it lives in the forestAnd can run fast.It is afraid of everything.A rabbit

Слайд 8My long, thin legs are good and fast,
I like to

gallop and to run.
I think it is great fun.
A horse

My long, thin legs are good and fast,I like to gallop and to run.I think it is

Слайд 9It looks like a big dog,
it is grey and
it has

got big teeth.
A wolf

It looks like a big dog,it is grey andit has got big teeth.A wolf

Слайд 10It is an animal that has beautiful
yellow and black

And a long tail.
It is orange.

A tiger

It is an animal that has beautiful yellow and black stripesAnd a long tail.It is orange.A tiger

Слайд 11It is a bird
but it can’t fly.
A hen

It is a bird but it can’t fly.A hen

Слайд 12It has a long neck and long legs
and eats leaves

from the trees.
A giraffe

It has a long neck and long legsand eats leaves from the trees.A giraffe

Слайд 13I live in the river.
I am not a fish.
I jump

in the field.
I have a green coat.
What am I?
A frog

I live in the river.I am not a fish.I jump in the field.I have a green coat.What

Слайд 14My friend is a man,
My wife is a hen,
My child

is a chick.
Who am I ? Say quick!
A cockerel

My friend is a man,My wife is a hen,My child is a chick.Who am I ? Say

Слайд 15Who is the slowest of all?
A snail

Who is the slowest of all?A snail

Слайд 16Who is the king of the animal?
A lion

Who is the king of the animal?A lion

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